RAF Manston

From Warlike


RAF station in the north-east of Kent


1917 — 1999 air baseRoyal Air Force stationRoyal Air ForceUnited Kingdom


Location: 51.3478, 1.35028, ///trickle.ventures.fattening, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

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174 Squadron RAF Hurricanes Manston WWII IWM CH 5627174 Squadron RAF Hurricanes Manston WWII IWM CH 5627
609 Squadron RAF Typhoon Manston IWM CH 9822609 Squadron RAF Typhoon Manston IWM CH 9822
Aircraft of the Royal Air Force, 1939-1945- Gloster Meteor. CL2926Aircraft of the Royal Air Force, 1939-1945- Gloster Meteor. CL2926
Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1939-1945- Hawker Typhoon. CH9822Aircraft of the Royal Air Force 1939-1945- Hawker Typhoon. CH9822
Avro York, RAF Manston - 1953Avro York, RAF Manston - 1953
Catering van, RAF Manston 1953Catering van, RAF Manston 1953
Ford Transit, Bodywork is possibly Mountain (formerly Mountain-Range)RAF Manston pic1Ford Transit, Bodywork is possibly Mountain (formerly Mountain-Range)RAF Manston pic1
Luftwaffe Photograph Of RAF Manston 1939Luftwaffe Photograph Of RAF Manston 1939
Manston Fire Department, Structural StationManston Fire Department, Structural Station
Old 747 (537552692)Old 747 (537552692)
RAF Firefighter During a Training Exercise MOD 45152012RAF Firefighter During a Training Exercise MOD 45152012
RAF Manston 02RAF Manston 02
RAF ManstonRAF Manston
RAF Manston radarRAF Manston radar
Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CH18112Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CH18112
Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CH2538Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CH2538
Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CL2921Royal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CL2921
Searchlight at RAF ManstonSearchlight at RAF Manston
Squadron Leader Dennis Barry (in cockpit) and other pilots of No. 616 Squadron RAF with a Gloster Meteor at Manston, Kent, January 1945. CL3773Squadron Leader Dennis Barry (in cockpit) and other pilots of No. 616 Squadron RAF with a Gloster Meteor at Manston, Kent, January 1945. CL3773
Statue-bust (537563484)Statue-bust (537563484)
Upkeep in LancasterUpkeep in Lancaster
Whirlwind Manston (537574998)Whirlwind Manston (537574998)
Winston Churchill during the Second World War in United Kingdom H14200Winston Churchill during the Second World War in United Kingdom H14200
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkSubterranea Britannica article@Wikidata
baseBekesbourne Aerodrome1916air base, aerodromeWikidata
baseConnaught Barracks, Dover1913barracksWikidata
baseFolkestone Racecourse1944sports venue, air baseWikidata
baseHowe BarracksbarracksWikidata
baseRAF AshRoyal Air Force station, radar stationWikidata
baseRAF Dunkirkradar station, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF Fornessradar station, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF Hawkinge1914Royal Air Force station, air baseWikidata
baseRAF Lympne1916Royal Air Force station, air baseWikidata
baseRAF Manston1916Royal Air Force station, air baseWikidata
baseRAF St Margaretsradar station, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF Swingate Downradar station, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF Swingfield1916Royal Air Force station, air baseWikidata
baseRNAS Capel1915air baseWikidata
baseRamsgate Airport1940airport, air baseWikidata
baseRoyal Marine Depot Cavalry Barracks1794barracksWikidata
baseRoyal Marine Depot, Deal1793barracksWikidata
baseShorncliffe Army Camp1794barracksWikidata
bunkerDover Castle1179history museum, fort, English Heritage, archaeological site, bunker, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
bunkerFan Bay Deep Shelter1941artillery battery, National Trust, bunker, tripadvisorWikidata
bunkerRamsgate Tunnels1863railway tunnel, air-raid shelter, museum, tripadvisorWikidata
bunkerWinchelsea Cavesunderground limestone mine, air-raid shelterWikidata
castleCanterbury Castle1135castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDeal Castle1539military museum, fort, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleDover Castle1179fort, history museum, archaeological site, bunker, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleSaltwood Castle1100castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleTankerton Castle1789local business, tourist attraction, nonprofit organization, organization, castle, country house, English country house, tripadvisorWikidata
castleWalmer Castle1539history museum, fort, historic house museum, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
fortArchcliffe Fort1370fortWikidata
fortCapel Battery1942artillery battery, military museumWikidata
fortDeal Castle1539military museum, fort, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
fortDover Castle1179history museum, fort, archaeological site, bunker, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
fortDover Western Heights1779fort, tripadvisorWikidata
fortDymchurch RedoubtredoubtWikidata
fortFan Bay Deep Shelter1941artillery battery, bunker, tripadvisorWikidata
fortFort Burgoyne1861fort, tripadvisorWikidata
fortHougham Battery1941artillery batteryWikidata
fortLangdon Battery1898artillery batteryWikidata
fortLydden Spout Battery1941artillery batteryWikidata
fortSandgate Castle1539fort, castleWikidata
fortSandown Castle1539fort, ruins, castleWikidata
fortShorncliffe RedoubtredoubtWikidata
fortWalmer Castle1539history museum, historic house museum, fort, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
fortWanstone Battery1940artillery batteryWikidata
museumBuffs Regimental Museum1927regimental museumWikidata
museumCapel Battery1942artillery battery, military museumWikidata
museumDeal Castle1539fort, military museum, English Heritage, castle, tripadvisorWikidata
museumKent Battle of Britain Museum1971military museum, tripadvisorWikidata
museumSpitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum1981military museum, independent museum, museum, tripadvisorWikidata
museumWest Gate Towers Museum1906military museum, garden, tripadvisorWikidata
towerAdmiralty Pier Turretbattery towerWikidata
towerChilham Castlekeep, curtain wall, castleWikidata
towerColton's Gategate towerWikidata
towerHM Fort Knock John1942Maunsell fortWikidata
towerHM Fort Tongue Sands1942Maunsell fortWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 11805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 21805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 31805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 41805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 51805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 61805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 71805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 81805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 91805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 101805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 111805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 121805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 131805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 141805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 151806Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 161805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 171805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 181805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 191805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 201805Martello towerWikidata
towerMartello Tower No. 211805Martello towerWikidata
towerRed Sands Fort1943Maunsell fortWikidata
towerShell Keep, Newingtonshell keepWikidata
towerShivering Sands Army Fort1943Maunsell fortWikidata
documentProject Blue Book report - 1952-09-6383614-Manston AFB, Kent, England1952Wikimedia
image174 Squadron RAF Hurricanes Manston WWII IWM CH 5627Wikimedia
image609 Squadron RAF Typhoon Manston IWM CH 9822Wikimedia
imageAircraft of the Royal Air Force, 1939-1945- Gloster Meteor. CL2926Wikimedia
imageAircraft of the Royal Air Force 1939-1945- Hawker Typhoon. CH9822Wikimedia
imageAvro York, RAF Manston - 19531953Wikimedia
imageCatering van, RAF Manston 19531953Wikimedia
imageFord Transit, Bodywork is possibly Mountain (formerly Mountain-Range)RAF Manston pic12010Wikimedia
imageLuftwaffe Photograph Of RAF Manston 19391939Wikimedia
imageManston Fire Department, Structural Station1953Wikimedia
imageOld 747 (537552692)2007Wikimedia
imageRAF Firefighter During a Training Exercise MOD 451520122010Wikimedia
imageRAF Manston 022019Wikimedia
imageRAF Manston2010Wikimedia
imageRAF Manston radar2010Wikimedia
imageRoyal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CH18112Wikimedia
imageRoyal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CH2538Wikimedia
imageRoyal Air Force Fighter Command, 1939-1945. CL2921Wikimedia
imageSearchlight at RAF Manston2012Wikimedia
imageSquadron Leader Dennis Barry (in cockpit) and other pilots of No. 616 Squadron RAF with a Gloster Meteor at Manston, Kent, January 1945. CL3773Wikimedia
imageStatue-bust (537563484)2007Wikimedia
imageUpkeep in Lancaster1943Wikimedia
imageWhirlwind Manston (537574998)2007Wikimedia
imageWinston Churchill during the Second World War in United Kingdom H14200Wikimedia