Battle of the Milvian Bridge

From Warlike


4th-century battle for control of Rome. 
Battle at Pons Milvius

312 battleCivil Wars of the TetrarchyItaly
Battle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666-crop.jpg, Dream of Constantine Milvius BnF MS Gr510 fol440.jpg

Location: 41.935555555, 12.466944444, KML, Other maps

Arco di costantino, fregio costantiniano 02Arco di costantino, fregio costantiniano 02
Atlas Ortelius KB PPN369376781-093av-093brAtlas Ortelius KB PPN369376781-093av-093br
Battle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666Battle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666
Battle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666-cropBattle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666-crop
Battle of Constantine and Maxentius (detail-of-fresco-in-Vatican-Stanze) c1650 by Lazzaro Baldi after Giulio Romano at the University of EdinburghBattle of Constantine and Maxentius (detail-of-fresco-in-Vatican-Stanze) c1650 by Lazzaro Baldi after Giulio Romano at the University of Edinburgh
Claude Lorraine - Battle on the BridgeClaude Lorraine - Battle on the Bridge
Constantine the Great at the Milvian BridgeConstantine the Great at the Milvian Bridge
Constantine`s vision and the Battle of the Milvian BridgeConstantine's vision and the Battle of the Milvian Bridge
Dream of Constantine Milvius BnF MS Gr510 fol440Dream of Constantine Milvius BnF MS Gr510 fol440
Figural composition designed in 1622 by Peter Paul Rubens - Tapestry showing the Triumph of Constantine over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge - Google Art ProjectFigural composition designed in 1622 by Peter Paul Rubens - Tapestry showing the Triumph of Constantine over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge - Google Art Project
Horb Stiftskirche Medaillon In hoc signo vincesHorb Stiftskirche Medaillon In hoc signo vinces
Italy, 16th century - Battle of the Milvian Bridge (fragment) (verso) - 1939.654.b - Cleveland Museum of ArtItaly, 16th century - Battle of the Milvian Bridge (fragment) (verso) - 1939.654.b - Cleveland Museum of Art
Johannes Lingelbach - Sieg Konstantins in der Schlacht am Ponte Molle - 1696 - Bavarian State Painting CollectionsJohannes Lingelbach - Sieg Konstantins in der Schlacht am Ponte Molle - 1696 - Bavarian State Painting Collections
Milvius-hídi csataMilvius-hídi csata
Palais Rohan-Salon d`Assemblée (2)Palais Rohan-Salon d'Assemblée (2)
Palazzo capponi-vettori, salone poccetti, 08 grottesche 04Palazzo capponi-vettori, salone poccetti, 08 grottesche 04
Pauwels Casteels - The Battle of Milvian BridgePauwels Casteels - The Battle of Milvian Bridge
Theodor Boeyermans - The Emperor Constantine`s vision of the Cross before the battle of the Milvian BridgeTheodor Boeyermans - The Emperor Constantine's vision of the Cross before the battle of the Milvian Bridge
The battle roll- an encyclopedia containing descriptions of the most famous and memorable land battles and sieges in all ages (1858) (14775017371)The battle roll- an encyclopedia containing descriptions of the most famous and memorable land battles and sieges in all ages (1858) (14775017371)
Tournier Bataille (2004 1 399)Tournier Bataille (2004 1 399)
Triumph of Constantine over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (tapestry) - 1623-1625Triumph of Constantine over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (tapestry) - 1623-1625
Vision of Constantine the Great by Stylianos Stavrakis (Byzantine museum)Vision of Constantine the Great by Stylianos Stavrakis (Byzantine museum)
Битва на Мильвийском мосту.Битва на Мильвийском мосту.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkJohannes Wienand, Der Kaiser als Sieger: Metamorphosen triumphaler Herrschaft unter Constantin I., Berlin: De Gruyter 2012 Johannes Wienand, Erster Teil. Die Quadratur des Kaisers. Herrscherkollegien im Sog des Sieges, in: in: J. Wienand, Der Kaiser als Sieger. Metamorphosen triumphaler Herrschaft unter Constantin I., Berlin 2012, 89-194@Wikidata
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image1976Arco di costantino, fregio costantiniano 02Wikimedia
imageAtlas Ortelius KB PPN369376781-093av-093brWikimedia
imageBattle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666Wikimedia
imageBattle at the Milvian Bridge, Gérard Audran after Charles Le Brun, 1666-cropWikimedia
imageBattle of Constantine and Maxentius (detail-of-fresco-in-Vatican-Stanze) c1650 by Lazzaro Baldi after Giulio Romano at the University of EdinburghWikimedia
imageClaude Lorraine - Battle on the BridgeWikimedia
imageConstantine the Great at the Milvian BridgeWikimedia
imageConstantine's vision and the Battle of the Milvian BridgeWikimedia
imageDream of Constantine Milvius BnF MS Gr510 fol440Wikimedia
imageFigural composition designed in 1622 by Peter Paul Rubens - Tapestry showing the Triumph of Constantine over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
image2008Horb Stiftskirche Medaillon In hoc signo vincesWikimedia
imageItaly, 16th century - Battle of the Milvian Bridge (fragment) (verso) - 1939.654.b - Cleveland Museum of ArtWikimedia
imageJohannes Lingelbach - Sieg Konstantins in der Schlacht am Ponte Molle - 1696 - Bavarian State Painting CollectionsWikimedia
imageMilvius-hídi csataWikimedia
image2010Palais Rohan-Salon d'Assemblée (2)Wikimedia
imagePalazzo capponi-vettori, salone poccetti, 08 grottesche 04Wikimedia
imagePauwels Casteels - The Battle of Milvian BridgeWikimedia
imageTheodor Boeyermans - The Emperor Constantine's vision of the Cross before the battle of the Milvian BridgeWikimedia
image1858The battle roll- an encyclopedia containing descriptions of the most famous and memorable land battles and sieges in all ages (1858) (14775017371)Wikimedia
imageTournier Bataille (2004 1 399)Wikimedia
imageTriumph of Constantine over Maxentius at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (tapestry) - 1623-1625Wikimedia
imageVision of Constantine the Great by Stylianos Stavrakis (Byzantine museum)Wikimedia
imageБитва на Мильвийском мосту.Wikimedia
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