Battle of Blair Mountain

From Warlike


1921 violent American labor dispute. 

1921 — 1921 United States
Blair Mountain Fighting.jpg

Location: 37.83, -81.94, KML, Maps

Airfleet ordered to West Virginia Battlefield during the Blair Mountain fight 1921Airfleet ordered to West Virginia Battlefield during the Blair Mountain fight 1921
Blair Mountain FightingBlair Mountain Fighting
Blair-machine-gun-nest 0Blair-machine-gun-nest 0
Blair-machine-gun-nest-2 (2)Blair-machine-gun-nest-2 (2)
I`ll give you until noon thursday to back to your home battle of blair mountainI'll give you until noon thursday to back to your home battle of blair mountain
Map of movement of federal troops and location of union and nonunion fighting during Blair Mountain BattleMap of movement of federal troops and location of union and nonunion fighting during Blair Mountain Battle
Map of the movement of the union miners in Battle of Blair MountainMap of the movement of the union miners in Battle of Blair Mountain
West Virginia the same old line-up blair mountain 1921West Virginia the same old line-up blair mountain 1921
YBAKGvOV6 k (3).webm (Wikimedia)
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