Re Umberto-class ironclad

From Warlike


1888 class of Italian ironclad warships. 
Re Umberto class

Re Umberto class battleship diagrams Brasseys 1896Re Umberto class battleship diagrams Brasseys 1896
The RE Umberto visits Portsmouth July 1895The RE Umberto visits Portsmouth July 1895
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselRN Re UmbertoRoyal Italian Navy, battleshipWikidata
vesselRN SardegnaRoyal Italian Navy, battleshipWikidata
vesselRN SiciliaRoyal Italian Navy, battleshipWikidata
imageRe Umberto class battleship diagrams Brasseys 1896Wikimedia
imageThe RE Umberto visits Portsmouth July 1895Wikimedia
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