Agena Castle

From Warlike


Castle in Uruma, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan



Agena Castle Ruins main wall.jpg,
Carved entrance to Agena Castle Ruins.jpg

Location: 26.380833333, 127.850277777, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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After passing the obelisk the real work begins - climb!After passing the obelisk the real work begins - climb!
Agena Castle Ruins Main WallAgena Castle Ruins Main Wall
Agena joseki / castle ruinsAgena joseki / castle ruins
At the top of the trail you will pass through a natural stone gate.At the top of the trail you will pass through a natural stone gate.
At the trailhead.At the trailhead.
A spectacular view of the Agena bullring is seen from the upper enclosure.A spectacular view of the Agena bullring is seen from the upper enclosure.
A view looking up at Agena Castle RuinsA view looking up at Agena Castle Ruins
Carved entrance to hill topCarved entrance to hill top
Doctor Bung and Kelly enjoyed the view from the high walls.Doctor Bung and Kelly enjoyed the view from the high walls.
Natural stone gate is the only entrance to the upper enclosure.Natural stone gate is the only entrance to the upper enclosure.
Obelisk and other signs explain the castle features.Obelisk and other signs explain the castle features.
Overview of the Agena Castle and Bullring ParkOverview of the Agena Castle and Bullring Park
Pathway leading to Agena Castle RuinsPathway leading to Agena Castle Ruins
Remnants of the stone fortification.Remnants of the stone fortification.
Rocks and treesRocks and trees
Rock formation on top of Agena Castle Ruins.Rock formation on top of Agena Castle Ruins.
Roughly hewn stairs lead upward.Roughly hewn stairs lead upward.
Shrine and rock formationShrine and rock formation
There is not very much flat ground within the castle enclosure. It is mostly trees and large rock formations.There is not very much flat ground within the castle enclosure. It is mostly trees and large rock formations.
Top down view of hill top entrance to Agena Castle Ruins.Top down view of hill top entrance to Agena Castle Ruins.
Upper enclosure of the castle ruins.Upper enclosure of the castle ruins.
View looking down Agena Castle Ruins main wallView looking down Agena Castle Ruins main wall
Walls of the upper enclosure.Walls of the upper enclosure.
Wall and tree on Agena Castle RuinsWall and tree on Agena Castle Ruins
linkAgency for Cultural Affairs entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
baseCamp CourtneyUnited States Marine Corps, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseCamp FosterUnited States Marine Corps, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseCamp HansenUnited States Marine Corps, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseCamp KinserUnited States Marine Corps, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseCamp McTureousgarrison, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseCamp NahagarrisonWikidata
baseCamp SchwabUnited States Marine Corps, military camp, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseCamp ShieldsUnited States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseChinen Sub Basemilitary baseWikidata
baseIe Shima AirfieldUnited States Marine Corps, air baseWikidata
baseJASDF Onna Sub Basemilitary baseWikidata
baseJASDF Yozadake Submarine Basemilitary baseWikidata
baseJMSDF Okinawa Naval Basenaval baseWikidata
baseKadena Air BaseUnited States Air Force, air base, military base, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseKadena Ammunition Storage AreaUnited States military base in Okinawa, ammunition dumpWikidata
baseKyan Castlemilitary baseWikidata
baseMarine Corps Air Station FutenmaUnited States Marine Corps, air base, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseMarine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. ButlerUnited States Marine Corps, military baseWikidata
baseNago CastleHokuzan, military base, gusuku, castle ruin in JapanWikidata
baseNaha Air Baseair baseWikidata
baseNaha Port Facilitymilitary port, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseNanzan CastleNanzan, military baseWikidata
baseNaval Base OkinawaUnited States military base in Okinawa, military base, Naval Forces JapanWikidata
baseQ114496072United States Armed Forces, organization, military baseWikidata
baseQ114529584United States Armed Forces, organization, military baseWikidata
baseTorii StationUnited States Army, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseUnited States military base in Okinawamilitary base, United States Forces JapanWikidata
baseVice-Camp ChinengarrisonWikidata
baseVice-Camp KatsurengarrisonWikidata
baseWhite Beach Areanaval base, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
baseYontan AirfieldUnited States Air Force, air baseWikidata
baseYozadake military basemilitary baseWikidata
base瀬名波通信施設Fifth Air Force, radio communication station, United States military base in OkinawaWikidata
bunkerFormer Japanese Navy Underground Headquarterspark, air-raid shelter, headquarters, tripadvisorWikidata
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castleNakagusuku CastleRyukyu Kingdom, gusuku, hill castle, tripadvisorWikidata
castleNakijin CastleHokuzan, gusuku, tripadvisorWikidata
castleSashiki CastleNanzan, military base, gusuku, tripadvisorWikidata
castleShuri Castlegusuku, museum, official residence, government agency, Chūzan, tripadvisorWikidata
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fortNakagusuku Bay Temporary FortressfortressWikidata
museumNo. 1 Middle School Apprentice Team Information Exhibition Roomeducation museum, military museumWikidata
museumOkinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museumpeace museum, Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Foundation, military museum, prefectural museum, tripadvisorWikidata
imageAfter passing the obelisk the real work begins - climb!2017Wikimedia
imageAgena Castle Ruins Main Wall2023Wikimedia
imageAgena joseki / castle ruins2017Wikimedia
imageAt the top of the trail you will pass through a natural stone gate.2017Wikimedia
imageAt the trailhead.2017Wikimedia
imageA spectacular view of the Agena bullring is seen from the upper enclosure.2017Wikimedia
imageA view looking up at Agena Castle Ruins2023Wikimedia
imageCarved entrance to hill top2023Wikimedia
imageDoctor Bung and Kelly enjoyed the view from the high walls.2017Wikimedia
imageNatural stone gate is the only entrance to the upper enclosure.2017Wikimedia
imageObelisk and other signs explain the castle features.2017Wikimedia
imageOverview of the Agena Castle and Bullring Park2017Wikimedia
imagePathway leading to Agena Castle Ruins2023Wikimedia
imageRemnants of the stone fortification.2017Wikimedia
imageRocks and trees2023Wikimedia
imageRock formation on top of Agena Castle Ruins.2023Wikimedia
imageRoughly hewn stairs lead upward.2017Wikimedia
imageShrine and rock formation2023Wikimedia
imageThere is not very much flat ground within the castle enclosure. It is mostly trees and large rock formations.2017Wikimedia
imageTop down view of hill top entrance to Agena Castle Ruins.2023Wikimedia
imageUpper enclosure of the castle ruins.2017Wikimedia
imageView looking down Agena Castle Ruins main wall2023Wikimedia
imageWalls of the upper enclosure.2017Wikimedia
imageWall and tree on Agena Castle Ruins2023Wikimedia