Uruguayan War

From Warlike


1864–1865 war between Brazil and Uruguay. 
Guerra del Uruguay, Guerra do Uruguai, Invasión brasileña de 1864

1864 — 1865 Platine WarswarSiege of SaltoBattle of JaguarãoSiege of PaysandúUruguayBrazil
Campagne de l'Uruguay, prise de Paysandu. — D'après un croquis de notre correspondant spécial.jpg

Location: -33.0, -56.0, KML, Maps

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Brazilians during the siege of PaysanduBrazilians during the siege of Paysandu
Civilians leaving PaysanduCivilians leaving Paysandu
Damaged building in paysanduDamaged building in paysandu
Damaged church in paysanduDamaged church in paysandu
Damaged maua agency 1865Damaged maua agency 1865
Estanisláo PrzewodowskiEstanisláo Przewodowski
Leandro gomezLeandro gomez
Leandro gomez and uruguayans in paysanduLeandro gomez and uruguayans in paysandu
Siege of Paysandu 04Siege of Paysandu 04
Siege of Paysandu 05Siege of Paysandu 05
View of the Cerro de Montevideo from the rooftops of the city, in 1865.View of the Cerro de Montevideo from the rooftops of the city, in 1865.
Villa del salto destroyedVilla del salto destroyed
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1865Battle of JaguarãobattleWikidata
conflict1864Siege of PaysandúsiegeWikidata
conflict1864Siege of SaltosiegeWikidata
war1839Uruguayan Civil Warcivil warWikidata
image1865Brazilians during the siege of PaysanduWikimedia
imageCivilians leaving PaysanduWikimedia
image1865Damaged building in paysanduWikimedia
image1865Damaged church in paysanduWikimedia
image1865Damaged maua agency 1865Wikimedia
imageEstanisláo PrzewodowskiWikimedia
imageLeandro gomezWikimedia
image1865Leandro gomez and uruguayans in paysanduWikimedia
image1865Siege of Paysandu 04Wikimedia
image1865Siege of Paysandu 05Wikimedia
image1865View of the Cerro de Montevideo from the rooftops of the city, in 1865.Wikimedia
image1864Villa del salto destroyedWikimedia
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