Droits de l'Homme

From Warlike


1794 Téméraire-class third-rate ship of the line. 

1794 FranceFrench Navythird-rateTéméraire-class third-rate ship of the line

Location: 47.96033056, -4.42845, KML, Maps

Droits de lHomme sinkingDroits de lHomme sinking
Ebenezer Colls (1812-1887) - Destruction of the `Droits de l`Homme`, 13 January 1797 - BHC0482 - Royal Museums GreenwichEbenezer Colls (1812-1887) - Destruction of the 'Droits de l'Homme', 13 January 1797 - BHC0482 - Royal Museums Greenwich
John Lynn - The night action off Ushant, 13th-14th January 1797John Lynn - The night action off Ushant, 13th-14th January 1797
Le Droits de L`Homme attacked by two frigatesLe Droits de L'Homme attacked by two frigates
Louis Joinet avec Stephane HesselLouis Joinet avec Stephane Hessel
Louis Joinet (2011)Louis Joinet (2011)
Thomas Luny - The wreck of the Droits de L`Homme after the Action of 13th JanuaryThomas Luny - The wreck of the Droits de L'Homme after the Action of 13th January
`Les droits de l`homme`, 1797, Thomas Luny FAMAG 1000 7'Les droits de l'homme', 1797, Thomas Luny FAMAG 1000 7
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