Lord's Resistance Army insurgency

From Warlike


ongoing insurgency in central Africa. 

1987 2008–2009 Garamba offensiveMakombo massacrewar
Fire in Parabongo IDP camp, Uganda crop.jpg

Building a brighter future after decades of conflict (6721454823)Building a brighter future after decades of conflict (6721454823)
Camp childrenCamp children
Flickr - DVIDSHUB - Dedication Ceremony in UgandaFlickr - DVIDSHUB - Dedication Ceremony in Uganda
From child soldier to bricklayer UK aid at work in northern Uganda (6721454863)From child soldier to bricklayer UK aid at work in northern Uganda (6721454863)
IDP`s in Northern UgandaIDP's in Northern Uganda
Labuje IDP camp, Uganda waterLabuje IDP camp, Uganda water
Market Lebuje camp, UgandaMarket Lebuje camp, Uganda
Possible flag of the Lord's Resistance Army, color shades are based on the flag of Uganda.
Possible flag of the Lord`s Resistance Army, color shades are based on the flag of Uganda.Possible flag of the Lord's Resistance Army, color shades are based on the flag of Uganda.
Re-wiring a lost generation (6721493549)Re-wiring a lost generation (6721493549)
Ugandan childrenUgandan children
Ugandan districts affected by Lords Resistance ArmyUgandan districts affected by Lords Resistance Army
Ugandan war tools 01Ugandan war tools 01
Ugandan war tools 02Ugandan war tools 02
Uganda IDP camp eggplant sellersUganda IDP camp eggplant sellers
Uganda night commuters - full roomUganda night commuters - full room
Uganda night commuter - single childUganda night commuter - single child
Water Lebuje camp, UgandaWater Lebuje camp, Uganda
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict20082008–2009 Garamba offensiveconflictWikidata
conflict2009Makombo massacremassacreWikidata
documentAfrican governments' response to insurgency (IA africgovernments1094550525)Wikimedia
documentUngoverned spaces and the survival of terrorist groups in Africa- a case study of the Lord’s Resistance Army (IA ungovernedspaces1094547802)Wikimedia
image2011Building a brighter future after decades of conflict (6721454823)Wikimedia
imageCamp childrenWikimedia
image2009Flickr - DVIDSHUB - Dedication Ceremony in UgandaWikimedia
image2012From child soldier to bricklayer UK aid at work in northern Uganda (6721454863)Wikimedia
imageIDP's in Northern UgandaWikimedia
imageLabuje IDP camp, Uganda waterWikimedia
imageMarket Lebuje camp, UgandaWikimedia
image2024Possible flag of the Lord's Resistance Army, color shades are based on the flag of Uganda.Wikimedia
image2024Possible flag of the Lord's Resistance Army, color shades are based on the flag of Uganda.Wikimedia
image2011Re-wiring a lost generation (6721493549)Wikimedia
imageUgandan childrenWikimedia
imageUgandan districts affected by Lords Resistance ArmyWikimedia
image2017Ugandan war tools 01Wikimedia
image2017Ugandan war tools 02Wikimedia
imageUganda IDP camp eggplant sellersWikimedia
imageUganda night commuters - full roomWikimedia
imageUganda night commuter - single childWikimedia
imageWater Lebuje camp, UgandaWikimedia
video2012President Obama announces to extend U.S. troops to capture LRA leader, Joseph Kony.ogvWikimedia
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