
From Warlike


1988 Georges Leygues-class frigate. 

2015-08 L`hermione à Brest (20433201786)2015-08 L'hermione à Brest (20433201786)
A port beam view of the French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D-646) underway during Operation Desert Storm DN-SC-93-05061A port beam view of the French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D-646) underway during Operation Desert Storm DN-SC-93-05061
D646 French Navy Latouche-Treville Dublin Port - Flickr - D464-Darren HallD646 French Navy Latouche-Treville Dublin Port - Flickr - D464-Darren Hall
D646 Latouche Treville (8047042907)D646 Latouche Treville (8047042907)
D646 Latouche Treville (8047048948)D646 Latouche Treville (8047048948)
D646 D646 "Latouche Treville" (8029380365)
D646 D646 "Latouche Treville" (8029380627)
D646 D646 "Latouche Treville" (8029380967)
Dynamic Mongoose 150510-N-IY633-089Dynamic Mongoose 150510-N-IY633-089
Départ Hermione 32Départ Hermione 32
Départ Hermione 33Départ Hermione 33
Départ Hermione 38Départ Hermione 38
Départ Hermione 39Départ Hermione 39
Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 150510-N-IY633-082Exercise Dynamic Mongoose 150510-N-IY633-082
FGS Sachsen and Latouche-Tréville in Hernesaari, Helsinki, Finland, 2022 May - 2FGS Sachsen and Latouche-Tréville in Hernesaari, Helsinki, Finland, 2022 May - 2
FS Latouche Treville (D 646)FS Latouche Treville (D 646)
FS Latouche-Treville 1FS Latouche-Treville 1
French destroyer Latouche-Tréville (D646) underway in the Gulf of Aden on 12 April (2019190412-N-KN684-1117)French destroyer Latouche-Tréville (D646) underway in the Gulf of Aden on 12 April (2019190412-N-KN684-1117)
Mast of Latouche-TrévilleMast of Latouche-Tréville
The Icelandic offshore patrol vessel ICGV Freyja sails with German frigate Sachsen (F219) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) in the North Atlantic Ocean in support of exercise Northern Viking 2022The Icelandic offshore patrol vessel ICGV Freyja sails with German frigate Sachsen (F219) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) in the North Atlantic Ocean in support of exercise Northern Viking 2022
USNS Passumpsic (T-AO-107) refueling USS Ranger (CV-61) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) on 3 April 1991 (6483832)USNS Passumpsic (T-AO-107) refueling USS Ranger (CV-61) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) on 3 April 1991 (6483832)
USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), Icelandic offshore patrol vessel ICGV Freyja, German frigate Sachsen (F219) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) sails in formation in the North Atlantic Ocean during exercise Northern Viking 2022USS Kearsarge (LHD-3), Icelandic offshore patrol vessel ICGV Freyja, German frigate Sachsen (F219) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) sails in formation in the North Atlantic Ocean during exercise Northern Viking 2022
WG-13 Lynx decking on Latouche-TrévilleWG-13 Lynx decking on Latouche-Tréville
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
incident1984keel layingWikidata
incident1990ship commissioningWikidata
incident2022ship decommissioningWikidata
incident1988ship launchingWikidata
image20152015-08 L'hermione à Brest (20433201786)Wikimedia
imageA port beam view of the French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D-646) underway during Operation Desert Storm DN-SC-93-05061Wikimedia
image2011D646 French Navy Latouche-Treville Dublin Port - Flickr - D464-Darren HallWikimedia
image2012D646 Latouche Treville (8047042907)Wikimedia
image2012D646 Latouche Treville (8047048948)Wikimedia
image2012"Latouche%20Treville"%20(8029380365).jpg D646 "Latouche Treville" (8029380365)Wikimedia
image2012"Latouche%20Treville"%20(8029380627).jpg D646 "Latouche Treville" (8029380627)Wikimedia
image2012"Latouche%20Treville"%20(8029380967).jpg D646 "Latouche Treville" (8029380967)Wikimedia
imageDynamic Mongoose 150510-N-IY633-089Wikimedia
image2015Départ Hermione 32Wikimedia
image2015Départ Hermione 33Wikimedia
image2015Départ Hermione 38Wikimedia
image2015Départ Hermione 39Wikimedia
imageExercise Dynamic Mongoose 150510-N-IY633-082Wikimedia
image2022FGS Sachsen and Latouche-Tréville in Hernesaari, Helsinki, Finland, 2022 May - 2Wikimedia
image2009FS Latouche Treville (D 646)Wikimedia
imageFS Latouche-Treville 1Wikimedia
image2019French destroyer Latouche-Tréville (D646) underway in the Gulf of Aden on 12 April (2019190412-N-KN684-1117)Wikimedia
imageMast of Latouche-TrévilleWikimedia
imageThe Icelandic offshore patrol vessel ICGV Freyja sails with German frigate Sachsen (F219) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) in the North Atlantic Ocean in support of exercise Northern Viking 2022Wikimedia
image2015USNS Passumpsic (T-AO-107) refueling USS Ranger (CV-61) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) on 3 April 1991 (6483832)Wikimedia
imageUSS Kearsarge (LHD-3), Icelandic offshore patrol vessel ICGV Freyja, German frigate Sachsen (F219) and French destroyer Latouche-Treville (D646) sails in formation in the North Atlantic Ocean during exercise Northern Viking 2022Wikimedia
image1998WG-13 Lynx decking on Latouche-TrévilleWikimedia
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