Fenian raids

From Warlike


military mobility in between 1866-1870. 

1866 — 1871 Battle of Eccles HillBattle of Fort ErieBattle of RidgewayBattle of Trout RiverCanadaFenian RisingUnited Stateswar
Battle of Ridgeway.jpg

Location: 46.0, -94.0, KML, Maps

1890 - Fenian Monument - Queen`s Park Toronto Canada1890 - Fenian Monument - Queen's Park Toronto Canada
A logo/emblem used by the Fenian Brotherhood in 1878. Taken from a program for a dance held by the organisation.A logo/emblem used by the Fenian Brotherhood in 1878. Taken from a program for a dance held by the organisation.
CONANT(1898) p291 Awkward squad - Fenian raid, 1865CONANT(1898) p291 Awkward squad - Fenian raid, 1865
Canada General Service Medal, awarded to Pte. Allan Poyntz Patrick, Queen`s Own Rifles, for the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870 - Glenbow Museum - DSC00634Canada General Service Medal, awarded to Pte. Allan Poyntz Patrick, Queen's Own Rifles, for the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870 - Glenbow Museum - DSC00634
Canadese militairen bewaken de hangbrug nabij de Niagarawatervallen ten tijde van de Fenian Raids Fenian Raid - Canadian Guard on Suspension Bridge (titel op object) Niagara Falls, New York (serietitel op object), RP-F-F11114Canadese militairen bewaken de hangbrug nabij de Niagarawatervallen ten tijde van de Fenian Raids Fenian Raid - Canadian Guard on Suspension Bridge (titel op object) Niagara Falls, New York (serietitel op object), RP-F-F11114
Champ-de-Mars Montreal 1866Champ-de-Mars Montreal 1866
Col Rd Burke who planned the Manchester rescue - Flickr - National Library of Ireland on The CommonsCol Rd Burke who planned the Manchester rescue - Flickr - National Library of Ireland on The Commons
Eccles Hill, 1870, Red Sashes with Fenian CannonEccles Hill, 1870, Red Sashes with Fenian Cannon
Fenians escape FremantleFenians escape Fremantle
Fenian Raid Medal to Almon Casselman, Morrisburg ArtilleryFenian Raid Medal to Almon Casselman, Morrisburg Artillery
Fenian Raid Monument - Tow Path Park - 20200309Fenian Raid Monument - Tow Path Park - 20200309
Glasnevin 3 077Glasnevin 3 077
HeadstoneBack TJKelly 3May1908HeadstoneBack TJKelly 3May1908
Headstone TJKelly 3May1908Headstone TJKelly 3May1908
Joseph Hyndman, Captain in the Dundas Militia during the Fenian Raids, 1869Joseph Hyndman, Captain in the Dundas Militia during the Fenian Raids, 1869
Portrait of Major Joseph Beck, date unknown - 16972877057Portrait of Major Joseph Beck, date unknown - 16972877057
Studio portrait of Ricard O`Sullivan Burke, Irish nationalist and Fenian activist.Studio portrait of Ricard O'Sullivan Burke, Irish nationalist and Fenian activist.
TJKelly with handwritten account of the day in ManchesterTJKelly with handwritten account of the day in Manchester
The Irish invasion of CanadaThe Irish invasion of Canada
Veterans of the Fenian raidsVeterans of the Fenian raids
W.K. Flesher circa 1866 in militia uniformW.K. Flesher circa 1866 in militia uniform
4th Division, caricature by Spy in Vanity Fair, 1901.4th Division, caricature by Spy in Vanity Fair, 1901.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflict1870Battle of Eccles HillbattleWikidata
conflict1866Battle of Fort EriebattleWikidata
conflict1866Battle of RidgewaybattleWikidata
conflict1870Battle of Trout RiverbattleWikidata
document2010History of the Fenian raid on Fort Erie with an account of the Battle of RidgewayWikimedia
image1890 - Fenian Monument - Queen's Park Toronto CanadaWikimedia
image1878A logo/emblem used by the Fenian Brotherhood in 1878. Taken from a program for a dance held by the organisation.Wikimedia
imageCONANT(1898) p291 Awkward squad - Fenian raid, 1865Wikimedia
image2013Canada General Service Medal, awarded to Pte. Allan Poyntz Patrick, Queen's Own Rifles, for the Fenian Raids of 1866 and 1870 - Glenbow Museum - DSC00634Wikimedia
imageCanadese militairen bewaken de hangbrug nabij de Niagarawatervallen ten tijde van de Fenian Raids Fenian Raid - Canadian Guard on Suspension Bridge (titel op object) Niagara Falls, New York (serietitel op object), RP-F-F11114Wikimedia
image1866Champ-de-Mars Montreal 1866Wikimedia
image2019Col Rd Burke who planned the Manchester rescue - Flickr - National Library of Ireland on The CommonsWikimedia
image1870Eccles Hill, 1870, Red Sashes with Fenian CannonWikimedia
image1876Fenians escape FremantleWikimedia
image2022Fenian Raid Medal to Almon Casselman, Morrisburg ArtilleryWikimedia
image2020Fenian Raid Monument - Tow Path Park - 20200309Wikimedia
image2007Glasnevin 3 077Wikimedia
image1988HeadstoneBack TJKelly 3May1908Wikimedia
image1988Headstone TJKelly 3May1908Wikimedia
image2022Joseph Hyndman, Captain in the Dundas Militia during the Fenian Raids, 1869Wikimedia
image2014Portrait of Major Joseph Beck, date unknown - 16972877057Wikimedia
imageStudio portrait of Ricard O'Sullivan Burke, Irish nationalist and Fenian activist.Wikimedia
image1867TJKelly with handwritten account of the day in ManchesterWikimedia
image2012The Irish invasion of CanadaWikimedia
image1900Veterans of the Fenian raidsWikimedia
image1866W.K. Flesher circa 1866 in militia uniformWikimedia
image4th Division, caricature by Spy in Vanity Fair, 1901.Wikimedia
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