Battle of Axtorna

From Warlike


1565 battle of the Northern Seven Years' War. 

1565 battleDenmarkNorthern Seven Years' WarSweden
Slaget vid Axtorna.jpg

Location: 57.04, 12.643, KML, Other maps

369 of `Ofversigt af svenska krigens och krigsinrättningarnes historia` (11203595653)369 of 'Ofversigt af svenska krigens och krigsinrättningarnes historia' (11203595653)
Axtorna fieldsAxtorna fields
Battle of Axtorna 1565, between Swedish and Danish forcesBattle of Axtorna 1565, between Swedish and Danish forces
Battle of Axtorna information signsBattle of Axtorna information signs
Slaget ved Svarterå - Rasmus Christiansen (17033) - croppedSlaget ved Svarterå - Rasmus Christiansen (17033) - cropped
Slaget vid AxtornaSlaget vid Axtorna
The fields where part of the Battle of Axtorna took placeThe fields where part of the Battle of Axtorna took place
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