Battle of Grand Pré

From Warlike


1747 battle in Grand Pré


1747 — 1747 battleKing George's WarCanada

WCJefferys Battle of Grand Pre.png

Location: 45.1011, -64.3072, ///trumpeter.gutsy.ironclad, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Attack at Grand Pre, Nova ScotiaAttack at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia
Battle of Grand Pre 1747, signBattle of Grand Pre 1747, sign
WCJefferys Battle of Grand PreWCJefferys Battle of Grand Pre
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
conflictBattle at St. Croix1750battleWikidata
imageAttack at Grand Pre, Nova Scotia2021Wikimedia
imageBattle of Grand Pre 1747, sign1947Wikimedia
imageWCJefferys Battle of Grand Pre1920Wikimedia