Battle of Fort Dearborn

From Warlike


War of 1812 battle in modern-day Chicago. 
Fort Dearborn Massacre

1812 United States
Defense Henry Hering.jpg

Location: 41.857777777, -87.619166666, KML, Other maps

120th Anniversary Of The Fort Dearborn Massacre 1812, A Century Of Progress, Chicago (NBY 415138)120th Anniversary Of The Fort Dearborn Massacre 1812, A Century Of Progress, Chicago (NBY 415138)
Battle of Fort Dearborn tree Andreas 1884Battle of Fort Dearborn tree Andreas 1884
Carl Rohl-Smith Fort Dearborn Massacre 1893Carl Rohl-Smith Fort Dearborn Massacre 1893
Defense Henry HeringDefense Henry Hering
Postcard depicting the burning of Fort Dearborn on August 15, 1812Postcard depicting the burning of Fort Dearborn on August 15, 1812
Postcard depicting the so-called Fort Dearborn Massacre Monument in Chicago.Postcard depicting the so-called Fort Dearborn Massacre Monument in Chicago.
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