Battle of Batoche

From Warlike


1885 decisive battle of the North-West Rebellion. 

1885 — 1885 battleNorth-West RebellionCanada
Battle of Batoche Print by Seargent Grundy.jpg

Location: 52.755, -106.116, KML, Maps

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Batoche Battle Field 1885Batoche Battle Field 1885
Battle of Batoche Print by Seargent GrundyBattle of Batoche Print by Seargent Grundy
Battle of Batoche ZarebaBattle of Batoche Zareba
Hastings County Archives HC02205 (39017176214)Hastings County Archives HC02205 (39017176214)
Hastings County Archives HC02211 (39038072694)Hastings County Archives HC02211 (39038072694)
Louis Riel prisonLouis Riel prison
Northcote 1885Northcote 1885
Street in Belleville (Ont.) c.1885Street in Belleville (Ont.) c.1885
The Capture of BatocheThe Capture of Batoche
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1885Batoche Battle Field 1885Wikimedia
image1885Battle of Batoche Print by Seargent GrundyWikimedia
image1885Battle of Batoche ZarebaWikimedia
image1885Hastings County Archives HC02205 (39017176214)Wikimedia
image1885Hastings County Archives HC02211 (39038072694)Wikimedia
image1885Louis Riel prisonWikimedia
image1885Northcote 1885Wikimedia
image1885Street in Belleville (Ont.) c.1885Wikimedia
image1885The Capture of BatocheWikimedia
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