Arnold Air Force Base

From Warlike


US Air Force base near Tullahoma, Tennessee, United States


1941 — 2009 airbaseAir Force Materiel CommandUnited States of America


Location: 35.3925, -86.085833333, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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AEDC Range-G Launcher facilityAEDC Range-G Launcher facility
Aerial view of Arnold Air Force Base in 2005Aerial view of Arnold Air Force Base in 2005
A device known as the Ladder Up allows the crew at the Arnold Air Force Base Secondary Pumping Station to more easily ascend and descend suction valve pit ladders.A device known as the Ladder Up allows the crew at the Arnold Air Force Base Secondary Pumping Station to more easily ascend and descend suction valve pit ladders.
A wind tunnel nozzle is shaped inside the recently-acquired vertical turning center, or VTC, March 5, 2024, in the Arnold Air Force Base Model and Machine Shop at Arnold AFB, Tenn.A wind tunnel nozzle is shaped inside the recently-acquired vertical turning center, or VTC, March 5, 2024, in the Arnold Air Force Base Model and Machine Shop at Arnold AFB, Tenn.
Castor 30 test fireCastor 30 test fire
Equipment is set in place to work on one of the outdoor siren systems at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., as part of an ongoing siren system upgrade project occurring at the installation.Equipment is set in place to work on one of the outdoor siren systems at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., as part of an ongoing siren system upgrade project occurring at the installation.
Equipment is set in place to work on one of the outdoor siren systems outside the Model and Machine Shop at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., as part of an ongoing siren system upgrade project occurring at the installation.Equipment is set in place to work on one of the outdoor siren systems outside the Model and Machine Shop at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., as part of an ongoing siren system upgrade project occurring at the installation.
F101 engine installation - 070803-F-9114G-027F101 engine installation - 070803-F-9114G-027
Iris prismatica Eastern Highland RimIris prismatica Eastern Highland Rim
Nick Delong, a machinist in the Arnold Air Force Base Model and Machine Shop, conducts measurements on a wind tunnel nozzle following a run in the recently-acquired vertical turning center, or VTC, March 5, 2024, at Arnold AFB, Tenn.Nick Delong, a machinist in the Arnold Air Force Base Model and Machine Shop, conducts measurements on a wind tunnel nozzle following a run in the recently-acquired vertical turning center, or VTC, March 5, 2024, at Arnold AFB, Tenn.
Rolls-Royce Trent 900 AEDC-d0404084 USAFRolls-Royce Trent 900 AEDC-d0404084 USAF
Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 tested at Arnold Air Force Base Engineering Development ComplexRolls-Royce Trent 7000 tested at Arnold Air Force Base Engineering Development Complex
Solid-propellant apogee motor for the NATO III communications satelliteSolid-propellant apogee motor for the NATO III communications satellite
The American flag flies outside the Administration & Engineering Building at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn.The American flag flies outside the Administration & Engineering Building at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn.
This graphic describes the sounds that will be emitted by indoor and outdoor siren systems across Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., in the event of various situations.This graphic describes the sounds that will be emitted by indoor and outdoor siren systems across Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., in the event of various situations.
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
baseCamp Forrestmilitary baseWikidata
fortFort NashfortWikidata
imageAEDC Range-G Launcher facilityWikimedia
imageAerial view of Arnold Air Force Base in 2005Wikimedia
imageA device known as the Ladder Up allows the crew at the Arnold Air Force Base Secondary Pumping Station to more easily ascend and descend suction valve pit ladders.2018Wikimedia
imageA wind tunnel nozzle is shaped inside the recently-acquired vertical turning center, or VTC, March 5, 2024, in the Arnold Air Force Base Model and Machine Shop at Arnold AFB, Tenn.2024Wikimedia
imageCastor 30 test fire2009Wikimedia
imageEquipment is set in place to work on one of the outdoor siren systems at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., as part of an ongoing siren system upgrade project occurring at the installation.2024Wikimedia
imageEquipment is set in place to work on one of the outdoor siren systems outside the Model and Machine Shop at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., as part of an ongoing siren system upgrade project occurring at the installation.2024Wikimedia
imageF101 engine installation - 070803-F-9114G-0272007Wikimedia
imageIris prismatica Eastern Highland RimWikimedia
imageNick Delong, a machinist in the Arnold Air Force Base Model and Machine Shop, conducts measurements on a wind tunnel nozzle following a run in the recently-acquired vertical turning center, or VTC, March 5, 2024, at Arnold AFB, Tenn.2024Wikimedia
imageRolls-Royce Trent 900 AEDC-d0404084 USAFWikimedia
imageRolls-Royce Trent 7000 tested at Arnold Air Force Base Engineering Development Complex2016Wikimedia
imageSolid-propellant apogee motor for the NATO III communications satelliteWikimedia
imageThe American flag flies outside the Administration & Engineering Building at Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn.2024Wikimedia
imageThis graphic describes the sounds that will be emitted by indoor and outdoor siren systems across Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn., in the event of various situations.2024Wikimedia