Fall of Babylon

From Warlike


end of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. 

-538 battleIraqQ47690

Location: 32.5425, 44.421111111, KML, Maps

Apocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C - BnF)Apocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C - BnF)
Apocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C - BnF) (cropped)Apocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C - BnF) (cropped)
Apocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C, BnF)Apocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C, BnF)
Apocalypse figurée des ducs de Savoie - Escorial E Vit.5 - Fall of BabylonApocalypse figurée des ducs de Savoie - Escorial E Vit.5 - Fall of Babylon
Apocalypse flamande - BNF Néerl3 f.21r Fall of BabylonApocalypse flamande - BNF Néerl3 f.21r Fall of Babylon
Apocalypse - BL Add MS 35166 f021rApocalypse - BL Add MS 35166 f021r
Apokalypse EscorialApokalypse Escorial
BL Royal MS 19 D III f. 602 - Apocalypse - Fall of BabylonBL Royal MS 19 D III f. 602 - Apocalypse - Fall of Babylon
Babylon Fallen. Revelation 18:2Babylon Fallen. Revelation 18:2
Burning of BabylonBurning of Babylon
Fall of Babylon Wellcome L0029279Fall of Babylon Wellcome L0029279
Figured Apocalypse of the Dukes of Savoy – Escorial E Vit.5 – Fall of Babylon, 15h centuryFigured Apocalypse of the Dukes of Savoy – Escorial E Vit.5 – Fall of Babylon, 15h century
Isaiah`s vision of the destruction of Babylon. Isaiah 13:20-21Isaiah's vision of the destruction of Babylon. Isaiah 13:20-21
Nabonidus`s faults and absences were recorded alongside events of his reign. By the autumn of 539 BCE, Babylon had surrendered to the army of king Cyrus to become part of the growing Achaemenid Empire. From Babylon, Iraq, 530-400 BCENabonidus's faults and absences were recorded alongside events of his reign. By the autumn of 539 BCE, Babylon had surrendered to the army of king Cyrus to become part of the growing Achaemenid Empire. From Babylon, Iraq, 530-400 BCE
Peter von Cornelius Cartons zur Fürstengruft 2Peter von Cornelius Cartons zur Fürstengruft 2
San Juan Evangelista con dos damas y dos niñas orantes (Coecke van Aelst)San Juan Evangelista con dos damas y dos niñas orantes (Coecke van Aelst)
The Fall of Babylon, from the Apocalypse, print, Jean Duvet (MET, 25.2.85)The Fall of Babylon, from the Apocalypse, print, Jean Duvet (MET, 25.2.85)
The Fall of Babylon; Cyrus the Great defeating the Babylonian army (1831). Mezzotint by John Martin, depicting the Ziggurat in the background under a dark and stormy sky, with crowds in distress.The Fall of Babylon; Cyrus the Great defeating the Babylonian army (1831). Mezzotint by John Martin, depicting the Ziggurat in the background under a dark and stormy sky, with crowds in distress.
Ulrichbibel - Apocalypse 08 Zerstörung BabylonsUlrichbibel - Apocalypse 08 Zerstörung Babylons
Valcavado Beatus f. 167v - Fall of BabylonValcavado Beatus f. 167v - Fall of Babylon
Walters Ms. W917 - Apocalypse by Andrew of Caesarea f.134v The fall of BabylonWalters Ms. W917 - Apocalypse by Andrew of Caesarea f.134v The fall of Babylon
Woodcut in 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle, depicting the fall of BabylonWoodcut in 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle, depicting the fall of Babylon
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imageApocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C - BnF)Wikimedia
imageApocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C - BnF) (cropped)Wikimedia
imageApocalipsis in dietsche, fol. 21r (15th C, BnF)Wikimedia
imageApocalypse figurée des ducs de Savoie - Escorial E Vit.5 - Fall of BabylonWikimedia
imageApocalypse flamande - BNF Néerl3 f.21r Fall of BabylonWikimedia
imageApocalypse - BL Add MS 35166 f021rWikimedia
imageApokalypse EscorialWikimedia
image1411BL Royal MS 19 D III f. 602 - Apocalypse - Fall of BabylonWikimedia
image1866Babylon Fallen. Revelation 18:2Wikimedia
imageBurning of BabylonWikimedia
imageFall of Babylon Wellcome L0029279Wikimedia
imageFigured Apocalypse of the Dukes of Savoy – Escorial E Vit.5 – Fall of Babylon, 15h centuryWikimedia
image1866Isaiah's vision of the destruction of Babylon. Isaiah 13:20-21Wikimedia
imageNabonidus's faults and absences were recorded alongside events of his reign. By the autumn of 539 BCE, Babylon had surrendered to the army of king Cyrus to become part of the growing Achaemenid Empire. From Babylon, Iraq, 530-400 BCEWikimedia
imagePeter von Cornelius Cartons zur Fürstengruft 2Wikimedia
imageSan Juan Evangelista con dos damas y dos niñas orantes (Coecke van Aelst)Wikimedia
imageThe Fall of Babylon, from the Apocalypse, print, Jean Duvet (MET, 25.2.85)Wikimedia
imageThe Fall of Babylon; Cyrus the Great defeating the Babylonian army (1831). Mezzotint by John Martin, depicting the Ziggurat in the background under a dark and stormy sky, with crowds in distress.Wikimedia
image1755Ulrichbibel - Apocalypse 08 Zerstörung BabylonsWikimedia
image970Valcavado Beatus f. 167v - Fall of BabylonWikimedia
imageWalters Ms. W917 - Apocalypse by Andrew of Caesarea f.134v The fall of BabylonWikimedia
image1493Woodcut in 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle, depicting the fall of BabylonWikimedia
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