Battle of Ap Bac

From Warlike


1963 battle of the Vietnam War


1963 battleVietnam War

Map of Ap Bac.png

Location: 10.438333333, 106.195277777, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

Ap Bac Memorial GateAp Bac Memorial Gate
Ap Bac Victory Tien GiangAp Bac Victory Tien Giang
Battlefield at Ap BacBattlefield at Ap Bac
Battle of ap bacBattle of ap bac
Chopper wreck at Ap BacChopper wreck at Ap Bac
Chopper wreck at Ap Bac-LFChopper wreck at Ap Bac-LF
Don Toth in Rescue Craft, 3 January 1963Don Toth in Rescue Craft, 3 January 1963
Downed Choppers, 3 January 1963Downed Choppers, 3 January 1963
Downed choppers at Ap BacDowned choppers at Ap Bac
Heading Towards Downed Choppers, 3 January 1963Heading Towards Downed Choppers, 3 January 1963
Map of Ap BacMap of Ap Bac
Recovering Downed Choppers, 3 January 1963Recovering Downed Choppers, 3 January 1963
Stamp commemorating the Battle of Ấp BắcStamp commemorating the Battle of Ấp Bắc
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
imageAp Bac Memorial Gate2011Wikimedia
imageAp Bac Victory Tien Giang2009Wikimedia
imageBattlefield at Ap Bac1963Wikimedia
imageBattle of ap bac1978Wikimedia
imageChopper wreck at Ap Bac1963Wikimedia
imageChopper wreck at Ap Bac-LF1963Wikimedia
imageDon Toth in Rescue Craft, 3 January 19632018Wikimedia
imageDowned Choppers, 3 January 19632018Wikimedia
imageDowned choppers at Ap Bac1963Wikimedia
imageHeading Towards Downed Choppers, 3 January 19632018Wikimedia
imageMap of Ap Bac1978Wikimedia
imageRecovering Downed Choppers, 3 January 19632018Wikimedia
imageStamp commemorating the Battle of Ấp BắcWikimedia