Siege of Buda

From Warlike


1603 conflict during the Long Turkish War. 

1603 — 1603 battleHungaryLong Warsiege
See also Siege of Buda (1541)Battle of Buda (1686)Siege of Buda (1529)Siege of Buda (1602)Siege of Buda (1598)Siege of Buda (1530)Siege of Buda (1540)Siege of Buda (1684)
Buda ostroma 1603 Borghese Levéltár.jpg
Location: 47.466666666, 19.05, KML, Maps

Buda ostroma 1603 Borghese LevéltárBuda ostroma 1603 Borghese Levéltár
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