Siege of Savannah

From Warlike


1779 battle of the American Revolutionary War. 

1779 — 1779 United States
Siege of Savannah - A.I. Keller.jpg

Location: 32.050833333, -81.103888888, KML, Maps

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114 of `The Youth`s History of the United States, etc` (11191099863)114 of 'The Youth's History of the United States, etc' (11191099863)
Attack on SavannahAttack on Savannah
Bonaventure Plantation 1779Bonaventure Plantation 1779
Burning of Savannah (NYPL NYPG96-F23-424286)Burning of Savannah (NYPL NYPG96-F23-424286)
Memories of the union Sergeant Jasper raising the South Carolina flag on Spring Hill Redoubt Savannah October 9 1779Memories of the union Sergeant Jasper raising the South Carolina flag on Spring Hill Redoubt Savannah October 9 1779
Plan of the siege of Savannah, with the joint attack of the french and americans on the 9th october, 1779, in which they were defeated by His Majesty`s Forces .... From a survey by an officer - btv1b530898035Plan of the siege of Savannah, with the joint attack of the french and americans on the 9th october, 1779, in which they were defeated by His Majesty's Forces .... From a survey by an officer - btv1b530898035
Savannah 1779Savannah 1779
Savannah, 1779 RCIN 734052Savannah, 1779 RCIN 734052
Siege of Savannah mapSiege of Savannah map
Siege of Savannah - A.I. KellerSiege of Savannah - A.I. Keller
Siege ville de Savannah 1779Siege ville de Savannah 1779
Siège de Savannah fait par les troupes françoises aux ordres du général d`Estaing vice-amiral de France, en 7.bre, et 8.bre 1779. LOC 75695821Siège de Savannah fait par les troupes françoises aux ordres du général d'Estaing vice-amiral de France, en 7.bre, et 8.bre 1779. LOC 75695821
Siège de Savannah. fait par les Troupes du Roi aux ordres de Monsieur le Comte d`Estaing, Vice Amiral de France en Septembre et Octobre 1779. ... Nicolas - btv1b8493405xSiège de Savannah. fait par les Troupes du Roi aux ordres de Monsieur le Comte d'Estaing, Vice Amiral de France en Septembre et Octobre 1779. ... Nicolas - btv1b8493405x
The Monthly military repository (1796) (14594164930)The Monthly military repository (1796) (14594164930)
(Savannah and its environs. LOC gm71000880(Savannah and its environs. LOC gm71000880
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image2013114 of 'The Youth's History of the United States, etc' (11191099863)Wikimedia
imageAttack on SavannahWikimedia
image1779Bonaventure Plantation 1779Wikimedia
image1797Burning of Savannah (NYPL NYPG96-F23-424286)Wikimedia
imageMemories of the union Sergeant Jasper raising the South Carolina flag on Spring Hill Redoubt Savannah October 9 1779Wikimedia
imagePlan of the siege of Savannah, with the joint attack of the french and americans on the 9th october, 1779, in which they were defeated by His Majesty's Forces .... From a survey by an officer - btv1b530898035Wikimedia
imageSavannah 1779Wikimedia
imageSavannah, 1779 RCIN 734052Wikimedia
image1873Siege of Savannah mapWikimedia
imageSiege of Savannah - A.I. KellerWikimedia
image1874Siege ville de Savannah 1779Wikimedia
image1779Siège de Savannah fait par les troupes françoises aux ordres du général d'Estaing vice-amiral de France, en 7.bre, et 8.bre 1779. LOC 75695821Wikimedia
imageSiège de Savannah. fait par les Troupes du Roi aux ordres de Monsieur le Comte d'Estaing, Vice Amiral de France en Septembre et Octobre 1779. ... Nicolas - btv1b8493405xWikimedia
image1796The Monthly military repository (1796) (14594164930)Wikimedia
image1779(Savannah and its environs. LOC gm71000880Wikimedia
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