Kure Naval Arsenal

From Warlike


former naval shipyard owned and operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy. 

JapanKure Naval Districtnaval arsenal
Kure Naval Arsenal Panorama in Japan October 1945.jpg

Location: 34.232, 132.554, KML, Maps

10 inch 45 calibre naval gun at Kure Naval Arsenal10 inch 45 calibre naval gun at Kure Naval Arsenal
Aft 155 mm gun turret Yamato 300pxAft 155 mm gun turret Yamato 300px
Atomic cloud over Hiroshima from the Kure Naval ArsenalAtomic cloud over Hiroshima from the Kure Naval Arsenal
Capsized Japanese aircraft carrier Amagi at the Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, on 8 October 1945 (NNAM.1996.488.037.007)Capsized Japanese aircraft carrier Amagi at the Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, on 8 October 1945 (NNAM.1996.488.037.007)
Fuso ReconstructionFuso Reconstruction
IJN light cruiser Oyodo at Kure in 1943IJN light cruiser Oyodo at Kure in 1943
Izumo was the lead ship of her class of armored cruisers, outdated and serving as a training ship she was sunk by American carrier aircraft during the attack on Kure in July 1945.Izumo was the lead ship of her class of armored cruisers, outdated and serving as a training ship she was sunk by American carrier aircraft during the attack on Kure in July 1945.
Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi 1925Japanese aircraft carrier Akagi 1925
Japanese battleship Ise under attack by U.S. Navy aircraft at the Kure Naval Arsenal on 28 July 1945 NNAM.1996.488.027.051Japanese battleship Ise under attack by U.S. Navy aircraft at the Kure Naval Arsenal on 28 July 1945 NNAM.1996.488.027.051
Japanese destroyer Kuroshio docked in the Kure naval arsenal after severe damage from a collision with the destroyers Minegumo and NatsugumoJapanese destroyer Kuroshio docked in the Kure naval arsenal after severe damage from a collision with the destroyers Minegumo and Natsugumo
Kure Naval Arsenal Panorama in Japan October 1945Kure Naval Arsenal Panorama in Japan October 1945
Midget submarines dry dock kure f06023Midget submarines dry dock kure f06023
The British-made outdated armored training cruiser Iwate, heavily damaged and settled in shallow water after attacks on Kure and the Inland Sea by United States Navy aircraft.The British-made outdated armored training cruiser Iwate, heavily damaged and settled in shallow water after attacks on Kure and the Inland Sea by United States Navy aircraft.
The British-made outdated armored training cruiser Iwate, heavily damaged and settled in shallow water after attacks on Kure and the Inland Sea by United States Navy aircraft.The British-made outdated armored training cruiser Iwate, heavily damaged and settled in shallow water after attacks on Kure and the Inland Sea by United States Navy aircraft.
Yamato colorizedYamato colorized
Yamato`s main battery guns 18.1”L45 Type 94Yamato's main battery guns 18.1”L45 Type 94
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselAmagi-class battlecruiserabandoned project, ship class, battlecruiserWikidata
vessel1917Arabe-class destroyership class, destroyerWikidata
vessel1936Chitose-class aircraft carriership class, aircraft carrierWikidata
vessel1915Fusō-class battleshipdreadnought, ship classWikidata
vesselHayabusa-class torpedo boatboat class, torpedo boat, boatWikidata
vesselHa-7-class submarinesubmarine class, submarineWikidata
vessel1909Ibuki-class battlecruiserarmored cruiser, ship class, battlecruiserWikidata
vessel1943Ibuki-class cruiserheavy cruiser, ship classWikidata
vessel1916Isokaze-class destroyership class, destroyerWikidata
vessel1945I-351-class submarinefirst class Japanese submarine, submarine classWikidata
vessel1926Junsen Type submarinefirst class Japanese submarine, submarine classWikidata
vesselKaidai-class submarinefirst class Japanese submarine, attack submarine, submarine classWikidata
vessel1905Kamikaze-class destroyership class, destroyerWikidata
vessel1934Mogami-class cruiserheavy cruiser, ship classWikidata
vessel1919Momi-class destroyership class, destroyerWikidata
vessel1927Myōkō-class cruiserheavy cruiser, ship classWikidata
vessel1920Nagato-class battleshipdreadnought, ship classWikidata
vesselNo.1-class auxiliary patrol boatboat class, auxiliary patrol boat, boatWikidata
vesselNo.1-class auxiliary submarine chasersubmarine chaser, ship classWikidata
vesselNo.1-class landing shiptank landing ship, ship classWikidata
vesselNo.22-class torpedo boatboat class, torpedo boat, boatWikidata
vesselNo.29-class torpedo boatboat class, torpedo boat, boatWikidata
vessel1940No.31-class patrol boatboat class, patrol vessel, boatWikidata
vesselNo.50-class torpedo boatboat class, torpedo boat, boatWikidata
vesselRo-11-class submarineKaichū-class submarine, submarine classWikidata
vesselRo-100-class submarinesubmarine class, submarineWikidata
vessel1906Satsuma-class battleshipdreadnought, ship classWikidata
vessel1935Sōryū-class aircraft carriership class, aircraft carrierWikidata
vessel1930Takao-class cruiserheavy cruiser, ship classWikidata
vessel1907Tsukuba-class cruisership class, cruiserWikidata
vesselType A submarinefirst class Japanese submarine, submarine classWikidata
vesselType B submarinefirst class Japanese submarine, submarine classWikidata
vessel1938Type C1 submarineType C submarine, submarine classWikidata
vesselType D submarinefirst class Japanese submarine, attack submarine, submarine classWikidata
vessel1940Yamato-class battleshipsuper battleship, ship class, aircraft carrierWikidata
weapon15.5 cm/60 3rd Year Type gunweapon model, rifled breech loader, naval artilleryWikidata
weapon192620 cm/50 caliber gunartillery model, cannonWikidata
weapon194040 cm/45 Type 94 gunweapon model, rifled breech loader, naval artilleryWikidata
image191010 inch 45 calibre naval gun at Kure Naval ArsenalWikimedia
image1941Aft 155 mm gun turret Yamato 300pxWikimedia
image1945Atomic cloud over Hiroshima from the Kure Naval ArsenalWikimedia
imageCapsized Japanese aircraft carrier Amagi at the Kure Naval Arsenal, Japan, on 8 October 1945 (NNAM.1996.488.037.007)Wikimedia
image1933Fuso ReconstructionWikimedia
image1943IJN light cruiser Oyodo at Kure in 1943Wikimedia
imageIzumo was the lead ship of her class of armored cruisers, outdated and serving as a training ship she was sunk by American carrier aircraft during the attack on Kure in July 1945.Wikimedia
imageJapanese aircraft carrier Akagi 1925Wikimedia
imageJapanese battleship Ise under attack by U.S. Navy aircraft at the Kure Naval Arsenal on 28 July 1945 NNAM.1996.488.027.051Wikimedia
image1941Japanese destroyer Kuroshio docked in the Kure naval arsenal after severe damage from a collision with the destroyers Minegumo and NatsugumoWikimedia
imageKure Naval Arsenal Panorama in Japan October 1945Wikimedia
imageMidget submarines dry dock kure f06023Wikimedia
imageThe British-made outdated armored training cruiser Iwate, heavily damaged and settled in shallow water after attacks on Kure and the Inland Sea by United States Navy aircraft.Wikimedia
imageThe British-made outdated armored training cruiser Iwate, heavily damaged and settled in shallow water after attacks on Kure and the Inland Sea by United States Navy aircraft.Wikimedia
image1941Yamato colorizedWikimedia
image1941Yamato's main battery guns 18.1”L45 Type 94Wikimedia
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