Gas attack at Hulluch

From Warlike


1916 battle. 

1916 — 1916 battleFranceWorld War I
Aerial view Loos-Hulluch trench system July 1917.jpg

Location: 50.4867, 2.8175, KML, Other maps

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Anti-gas curtain arrangements on dugout stepsAnti-gas curtain arrangements on dugout steps
British soldier in a French ARS respiratorBritish soldier in a French ARS respirator
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British soldier in a French Tissot respiratorBritish soldier in a French Tissot respirator
British soldier in a German respiratorBritish soldier in a German respirator
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British soldier in a PGH helmetBritish soldier in a PGH helmet
British soldier in a P or PH helmetBritish soldier in a P or PH helmet
British soldier in a Small Box respiratorBritish soldier in a Small Box respirator
British soldier in a veil respirator, eyes coveredBritish soldier in a veil respirator, eyes covered
British soldier in a veil respirator, eyes uncoveredBritish soldier in a veil respirator, eyes uncovered
Chart of British gas casualties 1915-1916Chart of British gas casualties 1915-1916
Diagram of German cloud gas attack Wulverghem, 30 April 1916Diagram of German cloud gas attack Wulverghem, 30 April 1916
Diagram of soldier in a British box respiratorDiagram of soldier in a British box respirator
German cloud gas attack at Wulverghem with locations of aid posts and advanced dressing stationsGerman cloud gas attack at Wulverghem with locations of aid posts and advanced dressing stations
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