
From Warlike


shipbuilding company in Severodvinsk, Russia. 
JSC PO Sevmash, Molotovsk Shipyard, Sewmasch-Werft, Shipyard 402, Shipyard No. 402, Shipyard Number 402

Dmitry Medvedev near Yury Dolgorukiy submarineDmitry Medvedev near Yury Dolgorukiy submarine
Korelski 2Korelski 2
Medvedev inspecting PrirazlomnayaMedvedev inspecting Prirazlomnaya
Medvedev with Sevmash employeesMedvedev with Sevmash employees
Medvedev with model of PrirazlomnayaMedvedev with model of Prirazlomnaya
Prirazlomnaya 2009Prirazlomnaya 2009
RIAN archive 150348 Launching the new strategic nuclear submarine RIAN archive 150348 Launching the new strategic nuclear submarine "Yury Dolgoruky"
RIAN archive 813524 Sevmash shipbuilding facilityRIAN archive 813524 Sevmash shipbuilding facility
RIAN archive 813528 Sevmash shipbuilding facilityRIAN archive 813528 Sevmash shipbuilding facility
Richard Lugar stands in front of a Russian Typhoon-class submarineRichard Lugar stands in front of a Russian Typhoon-class submarine
Satelite image of a Typhoon Class Submarine SeverodvinskSatelite image of a Typhoon Class Submarine Severodvinsk
Sevmash 58Sevmash 58
Sevmash 2007Sevmash 2007
Вид на Заводоуправление СМП (Северодвинск) - panoramioВид на Заводоуправление СМП (Северодвинск) - panoramio
Новые купола Николо-Корельского монастыряНовые купола Николо-Корельского монастыря
Северодвинск - panoramio (1)Северодвинск - panoramio (1)
Северодвинск, «Севмаш», 58 вахта - panoramioСеверодвинск, «Севмаш», 58 вахта - panoramio
Северодвинск, «Севмаш», заводоуправление - panoramioСеверодвинск, «Севмаш», заводоуправление - panoramio
Северодвинск, «Севмаш», центральная вахта - panoramioСеверодвинск, «Севмаш», центральная вахта - panoramio
Северодвинск, сквер, 3 - panoramioСеверодвинск, сквер, 3 - panoramio
Северодвинск, сквер, 4 - panoramioСеверодвинск, сквер, 4 - panoramio
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselAlfa-class submarinesubmarine class, nuclear-powered attack submarineWikidata
vessel2007Borei-class submarinesubmarine class, ballistic missile submarineWikidata
vesselDelta III-class submarineDelta-class submarine, submarine classWikidata
vesselEcho II-class submarinesubmarine class, Echo-class submarineWikidata
vessel1958Golf-class submarinesubmarine class, ballistic missile submarineWikidata
vesselHotel-class submarinesubmarine class, nuclear submarine, ballistic missile submarineWikidata
vesselLider-class destroyerguided missile destroyer, watercraft project, ship classWikidata
vesselNovember-class submarineattack submarine, submarine class, nuclear submarineWikidata
vesselPapa-class submarinesubmarine class, nuclear-powered attack submarineWikidata
vessel1949Project 30bis-class destroyership class, destroyerWikidata
vessel1950Sverdlov-class cruiserlight cruiser, ship classWikidata
imageDmitry Medvedev near Yury Dolgorukiy submarineWikimedia
image2006Korelski 2Wikimedia
image2009Medvedev inspecting PrirazlomnayaWikimedia
image2009Medvedev with Sevmash employeesWikimedia
image2009Medvedev with model of PrirazlomnayaWikimedia
image2009Prirazlomnaya 2009Wikimedia
image2007"Yury%20Dolgoruky".jpg RIAN archive 150348 Launching the new strategic nuclear submarine "Yury Dolgoruky"Wikimedia
image2010RIAN archive 813524 Sevmash shipbuilding facilityWikimedia
image2010RIAN archive 813528 Sevmash shipbuilding facilityWikimedia
image1999Richard Lugar stands in front of a Russian Typhoon-class submarineWikimedia
image1982Satelite image of a Typhoon Class Submarine SeverodvinskWikimedia
image2012Sevmash 58Wikimedia
image2007Sevmash 2007Wikimedia
image2008Вид на Заводоуправление СМП (Северодвинск) - panoramioWikimedia
image2010Новые купола Николо-Корельского монастыряWikimedia
image2012Северодвинск - panoramio (1)Wikimedia
image2012Северодвинск, «Севмаш», 58 вахта - panoramioWikimedia
image2012Северодвинск, «Севмаш», заводоуправление - panoramioWikimedia
image2012Северодвинск, «Севмаш», центральная вахта - panoramioWikimedia
image2006Северодвинск, сквер, 3 - panoramioWikimedia
image2006Северодвинск, сквер, 4 - panoramioWikimedia
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