Battle of Long Tan

From Warlike


1966 battle of the Vietnam War


1966 battleVietnamVietnam War

Battle of Long Tan 18 August 1966.png

Location: 10.553888888, 107.258888888, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

6RAR soldiers gather abandoned Vietcong equipment after the Battle of Long Tan6RAR soldiers gather abandoned Vietcong equipment after the Battle of Long Tan
6RAR soldier with M60 (AWM CUN660691VN)6RAR soldier with M60 (AWM CUN660691VN)
6RAR troops fire an M113 mounted mortar during Operation Smithfield6RAR troops fire an M113 mounted mortar during Operation Smithfield
Australian APCs and soldiers during Operation Smithfield in 1966Australian APCs and soldiers during Operation Smithfield in 1966
Australian mortar firing from APC during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660688VN)Australian mortar firing from APC during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660688VN)
Australian signallers during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660704VN)Australian signallers during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660704VN)
Australian soldiers aboard APCs during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660695VN)Australian soldiers aboard APCs during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660695VN)
Australian soldiers patrolling with an APC during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660706VN)Australian soldiers patrolling with an APC during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660706VN)
Australian soldier guarding a Viet Cong prisioner captured at Long Tan (AWM FOR660659VN)Australian soldier guarding a Viet Cong prisioner captured at Long Tan (AWM FOR660659VN)
Australian soldier on the Long Tan battlefield on 19 August 1966Australian soldier on the Long Tan battlefield on 19 August 1966
Australian soldier wounded in the Battle of Long Tan holding a photo of his daughterAustralian soldier wounded in the Battle of Long Tan holding a photo of his daughter
Australian troops with weapons captured at Long Tan (AWM FOR660667VN)Australian troops with weapons captured at Long Tan (AWM FOR660667VN)
Battle of Long Tan 18 August 1966Battle of Long Tan 18 August 1966
Bell Huey Helicopter Nyngan NSW May 2007Bell Huey Helicopter Nyngan NSW May 2007
Medic providing first aid to wounded Australian soldier at Long Tan (AWM FOR660664VN)Medic providing first aid to wounded Australian soldier at Long Tan (AWM FOR660664VN)
Phuoc Tuy, Vietnam. 1967-01. Major Harry Smith of St. John`s Wood, Brisbane, Qld, receiving the ribbon to the Military Cross for gallantry from Brigadier O. D. Jackson.Phuoc Tuy, Vietnam. 1967-01. Major Harry Smith of St. John's Wood, Brisbane, Qld, receiving the ribbon to the Military Cross for gallantry from Brigadier O. D. Jackson.
Soldiers rest during Operation Smithfield (AWM FOR660669VN)Soldiers rest during Operation Smithfield (AWM FOR660669VN)
The site of the Battle of Long Tan in 2005The site of the Battle of Long Tan in 2005
Wounded Vietcong captured at Long TanWounded Vietcong captured at Long Tan
Wounded Vietcong captured in the Battle of Long Tan is unloaded from a UH-1 at Vung Tau Air BaseWounded Vietcong captured in the Battle of Long Tan is unloaded from a UH-1 at Vung Tau Air Base
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image6RAR soldiers gather abandoned Vietcong equipment after the Battle of Long Tan1966Wikimedia
image6RAR soldier with M60 (AWM CUN660691VN)Wikimedia
image6RAR troops fire an M113 mounted mortar during Operation Smithfield1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian APCs and soldiers during Operation Smithfield in 19661966Wikimedia
imageAustralian mortar firing from APC during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660688VN)1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian signallers during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660704VN)1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian soldiers aboard APCs during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660695VN)1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian soldiers patrolling with an APC during Operation Smithfield (AWM CUN660706VN)1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian soldier guarding a Viet Cong prisioner captured at Long Tan (AWM FOR660659VN)1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian soldier on the Long Tan battlefield on 19 August 19661966Wikimedia
imageAustralian soldier wounded in the Battle of Long Tan holding a photo of his daughter1966Wikimedia
imageAustralian troops with weapons captured at Long Tan (AWM FOR660667VN)1966Wikimedia
imageBattle of Long Tan 18 August 19662012Wikimedia
imageBell Huey Helicopter Nyngan NSW May 20072007Wikimedia
imageMedic providing first aid to wounded Australian soldier at Long Tan (AWM FOR660664VN)1966Wikimedia
imagePhuoc Tuy, Vietnam. 1967-01. Major Harry Smith of St. John's Wood, Brisbane, Qld, receiving the ribbon to the Military Cross for gallantry from Brigadier O. D. Jackson.2012Wikimedia
imageSoldiers rest during Operation Smithfield (AWM FOR660669VN)1966Wikimedia
imageThe site of the Battle of Long Tan in 20052005Wikimedia
imageWounded Vietcong captured at Long Tan1966Wikimedia
imageWounded Vietcong captured in the Battle of Long Tan is unloaded from a UH-1 at Vung Tau Air Base1966Wikimedia