Battle of Hamburger Hill

From Warlike


Symbolic Vietnam War battle, May 1969


1969 — 1969 battleVietnamVietnam War

CAT01Blum02 elephantgrassLR.jpg

Location: 16.253055555, 107.174722222, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

Battle of Hamburger Hill, 11-17 May 1969Battle of Hamburger Hill, 11-17 May 1969
Battle of Hamburger Hill, 20 May 1969Battle of Hamburger Hill, 20 May 1969
CAT01Blum02 elephantgrassLRCAT01Blum02 elephantgrassLR
Hamburger Hill 2Hamburger Hill 2
Remember the Hill DVIDS33652Remember the Hill DVIDS33652
Reward printed in GI Says underground newspaper at Camp Evans in South Vietnam 1969Reward printed in GI Says underground newspaper at Camp Evans in South Vietnam 1969
Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division climb Hamburger Hill after the battle in May 1969Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division climb Hamburger Hill after the battle in May 1969
Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division inspect damage in the surrounding area of Dong Ap Bia during Operation Apache Snow, May 1969Soldiers of the 101st Airborne Division inspect damage in the surrounding area of Dong Ap Bia during Operation Apache Snow, May 1969