Battle of Chantilly

From Warlike


1862 battle of the American Civil War. 

1862 United States
Kearny's Charge, Battle of Chantilly.jpg

Location: 38.865, -77.37, KML, Maps

Chantilly Battlefield VirginiaChantilly Battlefield Virginia
Chantilly VA Maryland Campaign Historical MarkerChantilly VA Maryland Campaign Historical Marker
Death of General Philip KearnyDeath of General Philip Kearny
General Kearney`s gallant charge, at the Battle of Chantilly, Va., 1st of September 1862 - Tholey. LCCN2005691156General Kearney's gallant charge, at the Battle of Chantilly, Va., 1st of September 1862 - Tholey. LCCN2005691156
Kearny`s Charge, Battle of ChantillyKearny's Charge, Battle of Chantilly
Map of the Battle of ChantillyMap of the Battle of Chantilly
Gen. Kearney`s Charge at the Battle of Chantilly, VA.Gen. Kearney's Charge at the Battle of Chantilly, VA.
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