Pendennis Castle

From Warlike


Device Fort on the west side of the estuary of the River Fal, near Falmouth in Cornwall, England, UK


1540 Device FortsEnglish Heritagefortindependent museummilitary museumUnited Kingdom

Pendennis Castle, Falmouth Cornwall.jpg
1590s Pendennis castle plan.jpg

Location: 50.1467, -5.0471, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

1590s Pendennis castle plan1590s Pendennis castle plan
A new display of the beauties of England; - or A description of the most elegant or magnificent public edifices, royal palaces, noblemen`s and gentlemen`s seats, and other curiosities, natural or (14740424276)A new display of the beauties of England; - or A description of the most elegant or magnificent public edifices, royal palaces, noblemen's and gentlemen's seats, and other curiosities, natural or (14740424276)
Bodleian Libraries, Falmouth with Pendennis Castle seen from the seaBodleian Libraries, Falmouth with Pendennis Castle seen from the sea
Castle Rocks below Pendennis castle, FalmouthCastle Rocks below Pendennis castle, Falmouth
Falmouth map showing castlesFalmouth map showing castles
Gyllingvase Beach, Falmouth, Cornwall taken 1964Gyllingvase Beach, Falmouth, Cornwall taken 1964
HMS Norge (captured from the Danes 1807) off Pendennis Castle RMG PW5858HMS Norge (captured from the Danes 1807) off Pendennis Castle RMG PW5858
Joseph Mallord William Turner - St. Mawes, Cornwall - Google Art ProjectJoseph Mallord William Turner - St. Mawes, Cornwall - Google Art Project
Pendennis CastlePendennis Castle
Pendennis CastlePendennis Castle
Pendennis CastlePendennis Castle
Pendennis CastlePendennis Castle
Pendennis CastlePendennis Castle
Pendennis Castle diagram - modernPendennis Castle diagram - modern
Pendennis Castle keepPendennis Castle keep
Pendennis Castle keep 1Pendennis Castle keep 1
Pendennis Castle keep 2Pendennis Castle keep 2
Pendennis Castle renactment displayPendennis Castle renactment display
Pendennis keep labelledPendennis keep labelled
Pendennis keep unlabelledPendennis keep unlabelled
Plan of Pendennis CastlePlan of Pendennis Castle
Strachan`s Action after Trafalgar, 4 November 1805 Bringing Home the PrizesStrachan's Action after Trafalgar, 4 November 1805 Bringing Home the Prizes
Turner 1811 View of Pendennis Castle from St MawesTurner 1811 View of Pendennis Castle from St Mawes
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baseRAF TrelanveanRoyal Air Force station, radar stationWikidata
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baseRNAS St MerrynFleet Air Arm, Royal Naval Air Service stationWikidata
baseRRH Portreathradar, air base, No. 1 Group RAFWikidata
baseRoyal Naval Air Station CuldroseRoyal Navy, Royal Naval Air StationWikidata
baseThe Barrack Block, Pendennis CastlebarracksWikidata
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image1590s Pendennis castle plan1597Wikimedia
imageA new display of the beauties of England; - or A description of the most elegant or magnificent public edifices, royal palaces, noblemen's and gentlemen's seats, and other curiosities, natural or (14740424276)1776Wikimedia
imageBodleian Libraries, Falmouth with Pendennis Castle seen from the seaWikimedia
imageCastle Rocks below Pendennis castle, Falmouth1984Wikimedia
imageFalmouth map showing castles1963Wikimedia
imageGyllingvase Beach, Falmouth, Cornwall taken 19641964Wikimedia
imageHMS Norge (captured from the Danes 1807) off Pendennis Castle RMG PW5858Wikimedia
imageJoseph Mallord William Turner - St. Mawes, Cornwall - Google Art ProjectWikimedia
imagePendennis Castle1987Wikimedia
imagePendennis Castle1975Wikimedia
imagePendennis Castle1975Wikimedia
imagePendennis Castle1975Wikimedia
imagePendennis CastleWikimedia
imagePendennis Castle diagram - modernWikimedia
imagePendennis Castle keep2007Wikimedia
imagePendennis Castle keep 12007Wikimedia
imagePendennis Castle keep 21910Wikimedia
imagePendennis Castle renactment displayWikimedia
imagePendennis keep labelledWikimedia
imagePendennis keep unlabelledWikimedia
imagePlan of Pendennis Castle1954Wikimedia
imageStrachan's Action after Trafalgar, 4 November 1805 Bringing Home the PrizesWikimedia
imageTurner 1811 View of Pendennis Castle from St Mawes1811Wikimedia