Battle of Leros

From Warlike


1943 battle of the Dodecanese Campaign during WWII. 

1943 — 1943 battleDodecanese CampaignGreece
Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-527-2348-21, Kreta, Fallschirmjäger vor Start mit Ju 52.jpg

Location: 37.13194444, 26.85277778, KML, Maps

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Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-527-2348-21, Kreta, Fallschirmjäger vor Start mit Ju 52Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-527-2348-21, Kreta, Fallschirmjäger vor Start mit Ju 52
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Junkers Ju-52m at HAF museum 1Junkers Ju-52m at HAF museum 1
Luftwaffe Junkers Ju-52 Hellenic Air Museum, Tatoi-DekeliaLuftwaffe Junkers Ju-52 Hellenic Air Museum, Tatoi-Dekelia
Memorial to the sinking of HMS Intrepid during the Battle of LerosMemorial to the sinking of HMS Intrepid during the Battle of Leros
Steinbichl Grabstein LerosSteinbichl Grabstein Leros
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