Battle of Vijaydurg

From Warlike


1756 battle. 

1756 battle
Battle of Vijaydurg Gheriah 1756.jpg

Location: 16.5607, 73.3334, KML, Other maps

Admiral Charles WatsonAdmiral Charles Watson
A British-Portuguese-Indian naval force attacks the fort of Geriah, 1756A British-Portuguese-Indian naval force attacks the fort of Geriah, 1756
A Plan of the Town & Fortress of GariahA Plan of the Town & Fortress of Gariah
A View of the Attack made on the Fort of Geriah by Admiral Watson, 13 February 1756A View of the Attack made on the Fort of Geriah by Admiral Watson, 13 February 1756
Battle of Vijaydurg GheriahBattle of Vijaydurg Gheriah
Dominic Serres, the Elder - The Capture of Geriah, February 1756 RMG BHC0377 (L6228)Dominic Serres, the Elder - The Capture of Geriah, February 1756 RMG BHC0377 (L6228)
Gezicht op een Engelse vloot voor fort Geriah A view of the fortress of Geriah (titel op object), RP-P-2018-1757Gezicht op een Engelse vloot voor fort Geriah A view of the fortress of Geriah (titel op object), RP-P-2018-1757
Sir William JamesSir William James
Stroming of Geriah 1756Stroming of Geriah 1756
The Capture of Geriah, February 1756 RMG BHC0377The Capture of Geriah, February 1756 RMG BHC0377
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