Battle of Ash Hollow

From Warlike


1855 battle of the First Sioux War. 
Battle of Blue Water Creek, Harney Massacre

1855 United States
Battle of Ash Hollow.jpg

Location: 41.298611111, -102.122777777, KML, Other maps

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Sioux Wars – 
Ash HollowAsh Hollow
Ash Hollow Cemetery (Garden Co, NE) monuments 2Ash Hollow Cemetery (Garden Co, NE) monuments 2
Battle of Ash HollowBattle of Ash Hollow
D-18. Blue Water BattlefieldHarney MassacreBattle of Ash Hollow Historic Wayside (1.8 miles west of Lewellen) on the California, Mormon Pioneer, and Oregon National Historic Trails (2005) (9b909bdf-e8e0-403e-b799-80ae065344ab)D-18. Blue Water BattlefieldHarney MassacreBattle of Ash Hollow Historic Wayside (1.8 miles west of Lewellen) on the California, Mormon Pioneer, and Oregon National Historic Trails (2005) (9b909bdf-e8e0-403e-b799-80ae065344ab)
Sketch of the Blue Water Creek embracing the field of action of the force under the command of Bv. Genl. W.S. Harney in the attack of the 3rd Sept. 1855, on the BruleSketch of the Blue Water Creek embracing the field of action of the force under the command of Bv. Genl. W.S. Harney in the attack of the 3rd Sept. 1855, on the Brule" Band of the Indian Chief Little Thunder"
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