Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery

From Warlike


1777 battle of the American Revolutionary War


battleAmerican Revolutionary WarHudson River ChainUnited States of America


Location: 41.322777777, -73.989722222, ///breathing.spreads.rivalry, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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Atlas of Battles of the American Revolution, Sheet 20: Plan of the Attack on the Forts clinton & Montgomery, upon Hudsons River which were Stormed by His Majestys Forces under the Command of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. on the 6th. Of Octr. 1777Atlas of Battles of the American Revolution, Sheet 20: Plan of the Attack on the Forts clinton & Montgomery, upon Hudsons River which were Stormed by His Majestys Forces under the Command of Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. on the 6th. Of Octr. 1777
A plan of Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton, taken by His Majesty`s forces, under the command of Maj. Gen.l Sir Henry Clinton, K.B- Survey`d by Major Holland, Surv.r Gen.l &c. RMG K0378A plan of Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton, taken by His Majesty's forces, under the command of Maj. Gen.l Sir Henry Clinton, K.B- Survey'd by Major Holland, Surv.r Gen.l &c. RMG K0378
A plan of Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton, taken by His Majesty`s forces, under the command of Maj. Gen.l Sir Henry Clinton, K.B- Survey`d by Major Holland, Surv.r Gen.l &c. RMG K0379A plan of Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton, taken by His Majesty's forces, under the command of Maj. Gen.l Sir Henry Clinton, K.B- Survey'd by Major Holland, Surv.r Gen.l &c. RMG K0379
Map depicting the 1777 Battle of Forts Clinton and MontgomeryMap depicting the 1777 Battle of Forts Clinton and Montgomery
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