Hundred Hour War

From Warlike


brief war between El Salvador and Honduras in 1969. 
1969., 1969., 1969., Conflicto El Salvador-Honduras, Conflicto Honduras-El Salvador, Conflicto Salvador-Honduras, Football War., guerra de las 100 horas., Guerra de las Cien Horas., Wikipedia. com

1967 — 1969 El SalvadorHonduraswar

Location: 14.633333, -86.816667, KML, Maps

1969 Events montage 16-grid version1969 Events montage 16-grid version
Chance vought corsair f4u-5n FAH-609Chance vought corsair f4u-5n FAH-609
During 1969  Football War El Salvador retained Mustang pilots Ben Hall, Chuck Lyford, Bob Love and [[Lynn Garrison]] to strengthen their air force. Hall, Lyford and Love are pictured in front of ex-RCAF Mustang 9281 in Salvadorian service.During 1969 Football War El Salvador retained Mustang pilots Ben Hall, Chuck Lyford, Bob Love and Lynn Garrison to strengthen their air force. Hall, Lyford and Love are pictured in front of ex-RCAF Mustang 9281 in Salvadorian service.
Mensaje FSHMensaje FSH
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image20241969 Events montage 16-grid versionWikimedia
image2011Chance vought corsair f4u-5n FAH-609Wikimedia
image1969During 1969 Football War El Salvador retained Mustang pilots Ben Hall, Chuck Lyford, Bob Love and Lynn Garrison to strengthen their air force. Hall, Lyford and Love are pictured in front of ex-RCAF Mustang 9281 in Salvadorian service.Wikimedia
image1956MUSTANG RCAF 9221Wikimedia
image2010Mensaje FSHWikimedia
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