John Lewis-class oiler

From Warlike


2021 class of American replenishment oilers. 

Graphic representation of a John Lewis-class oiler (2016)Graphic representation of a John Lewis-class oiler (2016)
USNS Earl Warren at sea in 2024 following her delivery to the US NavyUSNS Earl Warren at sea in 2024 following her delivery to the US Navy
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
vesselUSNS Earl Warrenreplenishment oilerWikidata
vessel2021USNS Harvey Milkreplenishment oiler, Military Sealift CommandWikidata
vesselUSNS John LewisUnited States Navy, replenishment oilerWikidata
vesselUSNS Robert F. Kennedyreplenishment oilerWikidata
image2016Graphic representation of a John Lewis-class oiler (2016)Wikimedia
image2023USNS Earl Warren at sea in 2024 following her delivery to the US NavyWikimedia
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