Principe Amedeo-class ironclad

From Warlike


pair of ironclad warships built for the Italian Regia Marina (Royal Navy) in the 1870s and 1880s. 

Royal Italian Navyship class2 produced, 

Austrian and Italian representative ships at anchor in Suda Bay, CreteAustrian and Italian representative ships at anchor in Suda Bay, Crete
Combined Squadron of the Great Powers at anchor in Suba Bay.Combined Squadron of the Great Powers at anchor in Suba Bay.
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vesselPalestroRoyal Italian Navy, ironclad warshipWikidata
vesselPrincipe AmedeoRoyal Italian Navy, ironclad warshipWikidata
imageAustrian and Italian representative ships at anchor in Suda Bay, CreteWikimedia
imageCombined Squadron of the Great Powers at anchor in Suba Bay.Wikimedia
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