Naniwa-class cruiser

From Warlike


1885 class of Japanese cruisers. 

1885 Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd.ship classImperial Japanese NavyJapan2 produced, 

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16126.d.1(43)-The Japanese fleet bombarding Dalian Bay16126.d.1(43)-The Japanese fleet bombarding Dalian Bay
Naniwa class cruiser left elevation and deck plan Brasseys 1888Naniwa class cruiser left elevation and deck plan Brasseys 1888
Postcard of the sinking of the Russian cruiser Rurik in the Battle off UlsanPostcard of the sinking of the Russian cruiser Rurik in the Battle off Ulsan
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselNaniwaprotected cruiser, Imperial Japanese NavyWikidata
vesselTakachihoprotected cruiser, Imperial Japanese NavyWikidata
image16126.d.1(43)-The Japanese fleet bombarding Dalian BayWikimedia
imageNaniwa class cruiser left elevation and deck plan Brasseys 1888Wikimedia
imagePostcard of the sinking of the Russian cruiser Rurik in the Battle off UlsanWikimedia
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