United States of America ship of the line

From Warlike

< ship of the lineQ207452/Q30

ship of the line in United States of America


vessel1650 Programme Group fourth-rate frigate1650fourth-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vessel1745 Establishment1745sailing frigate, ship class, French Navy, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselAjax-class third-rate ship of the line1798third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselAlbion-class second-rate ship of the line1842second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselAlbion-class third-rate ship of the line1763third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselAlfred-class third-rate ship of the line1778third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselAlgésiras-class ship of the line1855ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselAmerica-class third-rate ship of the line1798third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselAnnibal-class ship of the line1779ship class, French Navy, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselArdent-class third-rate ship of the line1764third-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselArgonaute-class ship of the line1781ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselArgonaute-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselArrogant-class ship of the line1682French Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselArrogant-class third-rate ship of the line1761third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselArtésien-class ship of the line1771ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselAsia-class ship of the line1773Imperial Russian Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselAssuré-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselAtalante-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselBarfleur-class second-rate ship of the line1768second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselBellona-class third-rate ship of the line1760third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselBlack Prince-class third-rate ship of the line1815third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselBordelois-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselBourbon-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselBoyne-class second-rate ship of the line1790second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselBoyne-class ship of the line1810second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselBristol-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselBucentaure-class ship of the line1804ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselBurford-class third-rate ship of the line1757third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCaledonia-class first-rate ship of the line1808first-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCambí-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselCanada-class third-rate ship of the line1765third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCanopus-class second-rate ship of the line1821second-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCaton-class two-deckership class, two-decker, French NavyWikidata
vesselCentaure-class ship of the line1782ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselCitoyen-class ship of the line1764ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselCommerce de Paris-class ship of the line1806ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselConqueror-class steam screw first-rate ship of the line1855steamship, first-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselConquistador-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the line, Spanish NavyWikidata
vesselConstante-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselConstant-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselContent-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselCorona-class third-rate ship of the line1712Venetian Navy, third-rate, ship classWikidata
vesselCourageux-class third-rate ship of the line1783third-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCrown-class third-rate ship of the line1782third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCulloden-class third-rate ship of the line1776third-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselCésar-class ship of the line1768ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselDiligent-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselDublin-class third-rate ship of the line1757third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselDuke of Wellington-class first-rate ship of the line1852first-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselDuke-class second-rate ship of the line1777second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselDuncan-class steam screw ship of the line1863steamship, ship class, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselEdgar-class fourth-rate ship of the line1758fourth-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselElizabeth-class third-rate ship of the line1769third-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselEolo-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselEssex-class third-rate ship of the line1760third-rate, ship class, United States Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselExeter-class third-rate ship of the line1763third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselFame-class third-rate ship of the line1802third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselFantasque-class ship of the line1759ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselFirme-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselFlorissant-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselFlorissant-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselFortuné-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselGalicia-class ship of the line1730Spanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselGanges-class third-rate ship of the line1782third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselHardi-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselHector-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselHercules-class third-rate ship of the line1759third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselHercule-class ship of the line1836ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselHolsteen-class two-deckerRoyal Danish Navy, ship class, two-deckerWikidata
vesselHércules-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the line, Spanish NavyWikidata
vesselIllustre-class ship of the line1751ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselInflexible-class third-rate ship of the line1780third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselIngermanland-class ship of the lineImperial Russian Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselIntrepid-class third-rate ship of the line1770third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselInvencible-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselIsaak Viktoriia-class ship of the lineImperial Russian Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselKonung Gustav IV Adolf-class ship of the lineSwedish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselKronprins Gustaf Adolf-class ship of the lineSwedish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselLaurier-class two-deckership class, two-decker, French NavyWikidata
vesselLeipzig-class ship of the linevessel class, first-rate, Imperial Russian Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselLeon Trionfante-class third-rate ship of the line1716Venetian Navy, third-rate, ship classWikidata
vesselLondon-class second-rate ship of the line1769second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselLys-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselMagnanime-class ship of the line1779ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselMagnifique-class ship of the line1750ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselMars-class ship of the line1741ship class, French Navy, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselMars-class third-rate ship of the line1794third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselMonarque-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselMontañés-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselNelson-class first-rate ship of the line1814first-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselNeptune-class second-rate ship of the line1797second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselNeptuno-class two-deckerSpanish Navy, ship class, two-deckerWikidata
vesselNord-Adler-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselOcéan-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselOriflamme-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselPalmier-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselParfaite-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselPorta Coeli-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselPortland-class fourth-rate ship of the line1766fourth-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselPrincesa-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselPrincess Charlotte-class first-rate ship of the line1825first-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselPrins Oscar-class ship of the lineSwedish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselProtée-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselPríncipe-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselPurísima Concepción-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselPégase-class third-rate ship of the line1781Spanish Navy, third-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselPélican-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselRamillies-class third-rate ship of the line1762third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselRayo-class ship of the line1749Spanish Navy, ship class, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselReina Isabel II-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselReina-clas ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselRepulse-class third-rate ship of the line1802third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselRodney-class second-rate ship of the line1839second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselRoyal Oak-class third-rate ship of the line1769third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselSaint Louis-class two deckership class, two-decker, French NavyWikidata
vesselSaint Michel-class two deckership class, two-decker, French NavyWikidata
vesselSaint-Esprit-class ship of the line1762ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSalisbury-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSandwich-class second-rate ship of the line1759second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselSans-Pareil-class ship of the line1762ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSanta Ana-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the line, Spanish NavyWikidata
vesselSanta Ana-classZurisadai, Jimmy B, Spanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSanta Isabel-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselSanto Domingo-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSan Carlos-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSan Carlo Borromeo-class third-rate ship of the line1750Venetian Navy, third-rate, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Fermín-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Francisco de Paula-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Fulgencio-class two-deckerSpanish Navy, ship class, two-deckerWikidata
vesselSan Ildefonso-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSan Isidro-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Joaquín-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSan José-class two-deckerSpanish Navy, ship class, two-deckerWikidata
vesselSan Juan Nepomuceno-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Lorenzo Zustinian-class third-rate ship of the line1691Venetian Navy, third-rate, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Luis-class two-deckerSpanish Navy, ship class, two-deckerWikidata
vesselSan Pedro Apóstol-class ship of the lineship of the line, Spanish Navy, ship classWikidata
vesselSan Vicente Ferrer-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselScipion-class ship of the line1778ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSerio-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSlava Ekateriny-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSlawa-Rossii-class ship of the lineship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSouthampton-class fourth-rate frigate1821sailing frigate, fourth-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselSouverain-class ship of the line1755ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSphinx-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSt Albans-class third-rate ship of the line1764third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselSuffren-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSuperbe-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSuperbe-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselSwiftsure-class third-rate ship of the line1804third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselSéduisant-class ship of the line1783ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselTerrible-class ship of the lineship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselTerrible-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselTonnant-class second rate ship of the line1682second-rate, ship class, French NavyWikidata
vesselTonnant-class third-rate ship of the line1790third-rate, ship class, French Navy, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselTriunfante-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselTéméraire-class third-rate ship of the line1782third-rate, ship class, French NavyWikidata
vesselUriel-class ship of the linevessel class, Imperial Russian Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselUriil-class ship of the lineImperial Russian Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselVaillant-class ship of the lineship class, two-decker, French NavyWikidata
vesselValiant-class third-rate ship of the line1759third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselVanguard-class second-rate ship of the line1835second-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselVelasco-class ship of the line1764Spanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselVelasco-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselVengeur-class third-rate ship of the line1809third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselVille de Nantes-class steam ship of the line1860steamship, ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselWorcester-class third-rate ship of the line1769third-rate, ship class, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselWreeker-class ship of the lineRoyal Netherlands Navy, ship class, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselWyborg-class ship of the lineImperial Russian Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselÁfrica-class ship of the lineSpanish Navy, ship class, ship of the lineWikidata
vessel64-gun shipship type, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselfirst-rateship type, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselfourth-rateship type, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselsecond-rateship type, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselseventy-fourship type, two-decker, French Navy, ship of the lineWikidata
vesselship of the lineship type, warshipWikidata
vesselthird-rateship type, ship of the line, Royal NavyWikidata
vesselthree-deckership type, ship of the lineWikidata
vesseltwo-deckership type, ship of the lineWikidata