Operation Babylift

From Warlike


1975 battle. 

1975 battleUnited States

Location: 10.8439, 106.702, KML, Other maps

    Medical Staff Examining Refugee Children Inside an Ambulance at San Francisco International Airport Following the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South VietnamMedical Staff Examining Refugee Children Inside an Ambulance at San Francisco International Airport Following the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South Vietnam
    Nurses and Vietnamese Refugee Children on an Operation Babylift Flight Upon its Arrival at San Francisco International AirportNurses and Vietnamese Refugee Children on an Operation Babylift Flight Upon its Arrival at San Francisco International Airport
    Operation Babylift baby shoesOperation Babylift baby shoes
    Photograph of President Gerald R. Ford Carrying a Vietnamese Baby from Clipper 1742, One of the Operation Babylift Planes that Transported Approximately 325 South Vietnamese Orphans from Saigon to the United States, at San Francisco International AirportPhotograph of President Gerald R. Ford Carrying a Vietnamese Baby from Clipper 1742, One of the Operation Babylift Planes that Transported Approximately 325 South Vietnamese Orphans from Saigon to the United States, at San Francisco International Airport
    President Gerald R. Ford Holding a Refugee Baby and Talking with Nurses on an Operation Babylift Plane After Its Arrival at San Francisco International Airport from South VietnamPresident Gerald R. Ford Holding a Refugee Baby and Talking with Nurses on an Operation Babylift Plane After Its Arrival at San Francisco International Airport from South Vietnam
    President Gerald R. Ford Holding a Refugee Baby on an Evacuation Bus at San Francisco International Airport Following the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South VietnamPresident Gerald R. Ford Holding a Refugee Baby on an Evacuation Bus at San Francisco International Airport Following the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South Vietnam
    President Gerald R. Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Dr. Mark Oscherwitz, and Nurses on an Evacuation Bus at San Francisco International Airport during the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South VietnamPresident Gerald R. Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Dr. Mark Oscherwitz, and Nurses on an Evacuation Bus at San Francisco International Airport during the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South Vietnam
    United States Air Force Lockheed C-5A Galaxy 68-0218 crashsiteUnited States Air Force Lockheed C-5A Galaxy 68-0218 crashsite
    Vietnamese Refugee Children on an Operation Babylift Flight Arriving at San Francisco International AirportVietnamese Refugee Children on an Operation Babylift Flight Arriving at San Francisco International Airport
    linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
    imageMedical Staff Examining Refugee Children Inside an Ambulance at San Francisco International Airport Following the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South VietnamWikimedia
    imageNurses and Vietnamese Refugee Children on an Operation Babylift Flight Upon its Arrival at San Francisco International AirportWikimedia
    imageOperation Babylift baby shoesWikimedia
    imagePhotograph of President Gerald R. Ford Carrying a Vietnamese Baby from Clipper 1742, One of the Operation Babylift Planes that Transported Approximately 325 South Vietnamese Orphans from Saigon to the United States, at San Francisco International AirportWikimedia
    imagePresident Gerald R. Ford Holding a Refugee Baby and Talking with Nurses on an Operation Babylift Plane After Its Arrival at San Francisco International Airport from South VietnamWikimedia
    imagePresident Gerald R. Ford Holding a Refugee Baby on an Evacuation Bus at San Francisco International Airport Following the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South VietnamWikimedia
    imagePresident Gerald R. Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Dr. Mark Oscherwitz, and Nurses on an Evacuation Bus at San Francisco International Airport during the Arrival of an Operation Babylift Plane from South VietnamWikimedia
    image1975United States Air Force Lockheed C-5A Galaxy 68-0218 crashsiteWikimedia
    imageVietnamese Refugee Children on an Operation Babylift Flight Arriving at San Francisco International AirportWikimedia
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