Howth Martello Tower

From Warlike


museum of communication history based in the Martello tower in Howth, Dublin


2003 Martello towerhistory museummuseo tecnológicoIreland

Martello tower -near Howth -Ireland-3Sept2008.jpg

Location: 53.38766, -6.06365, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML

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A history of the County Dublin; the people, parishes and antiquities from the earliest times to the close of the eighteenth century (1903) (14586664490)A history of the County Dublin; the people, parishes and antiquities from the earliest times to the close of the eighteenth century (1903) (14586664490)
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The Abbey of Howth, with Some Account of the Family of St. Laurence and Sir John de Courcy, 1833 (IA jstor-30004288) (page 1 crop)The Abbey of Howth, with Some Account of the Family of St. Laurence and Sir John de Courcy, 1833 (IA jstor-30004288) (page 1 crop)
linkNational Inventory of Architectural Heritage entry@Wikidata
linkGoogle Maps entry@Wikidata
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imageThe Abbey of Howth, with Some Account of the Family of St. Laurence and Sir John de Courcy, 1833 (IA jstor-30004288) (page 1 crop)Wikimedia