Battle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher

From Warlike


1945 battle. 

1945 — 1945 battleGermany
Battle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher--memorial.jpg

Location: 49.2664612, 9.2665522, KML, Maps

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Battle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher war graveBattle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher war grave
Battle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher--memorialBattle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher--memorial
Gedenkplatte BuchhofGedenkplatte Buchhof
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image2021Battle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher war graveWikimedia
image2021Battle of Buchhof and Stein am Kocher--memorialWikimedia
image2021Gedenkplatte BuchhofWikimedia
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