Battle of the Nile

From Warlike


47 BCE battle between Julius Caesar and Ptolemy XIII. 
Siege of Alexandria (47 BC)

-46 Alexandrian WarbattleCaesar's Civil WarEgypt
Battle of the Nile (M. Merian).png

Location: 30.9, 31.11666667, KML, Other maps

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Battle of the Nile in 47 BC (Caesarː A History Of The Art Of War Among The Romans Down To The End, vol. II, 1892)Battle of the Nile in 47 BC (Caesarː A History Of The Art Of War Among The Romans Down To The End, vol. II, 1892)
Battle of the Nile (engraving by Matthäus Merian, originally painting of Antonio Tempesta, cca 1625)Battle of the Nile (engraving by Matthäus Merian, originally painting of Antonio Tempesta, cca 1625)
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