Battle of Cross Keys

From Warlike


1862 battle of the American Civil War. 

1862 United States
Battle of Cross Keys map.png

Location: 38.3579, -78.8438, KML, Maps

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Battle of Cross Keys 1Battle of Cross Keys 1
Battle of Cross Keys mapBattle of Cross Keys map
Battle of Cross Keys mapBattle of Cross Keys map
Cross Keys Battlefield VirginiaCross Keys Battlefield Virginia
The battle of Cross Keys-Sunday June 7th 1862-Genl. Fremont and Genl. Jackson - E. Forbes. LCCN2004661885The battle of Cross Keys-Sunday June 7th 1862-Genl. Fremont and Genl. Jackson - E. Forbes. LCCN2004661885
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image1862Battle of Cross Keys 1Wikimedia
image1895Battle of Cross Keys mapWikimedia
image1895Battle of Cross Keys mapWikimedia
image2009Cross Keys Battlefield VirginiaWikimedia
image1862The battle of Cross Keys-Sunday June 7th 1862-Genl. Fremont and Genl. Jackson - E. Forbes. LCCN2004661885Wikimedia
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