Noltland Castle

From Warlike


Castle on the island of Westray in the Orkney Islands of Scotland


castleHistoric Environment ScotlandUnited Kingdom

Noltland Castle 20110529.jpg

Location: 59.3207, -3.0044, Google, Bing, Aerial View, OldMapsOnline, ESRI Imagery, Historic Markers, KML, NLSOSeDoB

Detail of key stone in arch at Noltland Castle, PierowallDetail of key stone in arch at Noltland Castle, Pierowall
Noltland CastleNoltland Castle
Noltland CastleNoltland Castle
Noltland CastleNoltland Castle
Noltland Castle 2 - panoramioNoltland Castle 2 - panoramio
Noltland Castle 3 - panoramioNoltland Castle 3 - panoramio
Noltland Castle 20110529Noltland Castle 20110529
Noltland Castle 20110529 courtyardNoltland Castle 20110529 courtyard
Noltland Castle 20110529 kitchenNoltland Castle 20110529 kitchen
Noltland Castle 20110529 southwest towerNoltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower
Noltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower groundfloorNoltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower groundfloor
Noltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower stair capitalNoltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower stair capital
Noltland Castle Westray - panoramioNoltland Castle Westray - panoramio
Noltland Castle, PierowallNoltland Castle, Pierowall
Noltland Castle, PierowallNoltland Castle, Pierowall
Noltland Castle, WestrayNoltland Castle, Westray
Outside View of Noltland Castle, WestrayOutside View of Noltland Castle, Westray
Staircase at the tower of Noltland Castle, WestrayStaircase at the tower of Noltland Castle, Westray
Top of the Tower of Noltland Castle, WestrayTop of the Tower of Noltland Castle, Westray
Track by Noltland CastleTrack by Noltland Castle
View from the Tower of Noltland Castle, Perspective 1, WestrayView from the Tower of Noltland Castle, Perspective 1, Westray
View from the Tower of Noltland Castle, Perspective 2, WestrayView from the Tower of Noltland Castle, Perspective 2, Westray
Wall remains around Noltland Castle, WestrayWall remains around Noltland Castle, Westray
Westray: Noltland CastleWestray: Noltland Castle
Westray: view towards Noltland CastleWestray: view towards Noltland Castle
linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
linkHistoric Environment Scotland entry@Wikidata
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkGoogle Maps entry@Wikidata
linkTripadvisor page@Wikidata
baseRAF Netherbuttonradar station, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRAF SkeabraeRoyal Air Force, air base, Royal Air Force stationWikidata
baseRNAS CaldaleRoyal Naval Air Service stationWikidata
baseRNAS HatstonRoyal Naval Air Service stationWikidata
baseRNAS Twattair baseWikidata
baseRerwick Head, coastal battery (WW2) and campmilitary base, artillery batteryWikidata
castleBishop's Palacecastle, Historic Environment Scotland, episcopal palace, tripadvisorWikidata
castleEarl's Palacecastle, tripadvisorWikidata
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fortPoint of Avelshay, coastal battery, Rousayartillery batteryWikidata
fortWasswick Battery, coastal battery complex 400m E of Queenamuckleartillery batteryWikidata
imageDetail of key stone in arch at Noltland Castle, Pierowall2005Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle2004Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle2011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle2013Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 2 - panoramio2013Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 3 - panoramio2013Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 201105292011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 20110529 courtyard2011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 20110529 kitchen2011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower2011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower groundfloor2011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle 20110529 southwest tower stair capital2011Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle Westray - panoramio2013Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle, Pierowall2005Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle, Pierowall2005Wikimedia
imageNoltland Castle, Westray2002Wikimedia
imageOutside View of Noltland Castle, Westray2015Wikimedia
imageStaircase at the tower of Noltland Castle, Westray2015Wikimedia
imageTop of the Tower of Noltland Castle, Westray2015Wikimedia
imageTrack by Noltland Castle2013Wikimedia
imageView from the Tower of Noltland Castle, Perspective 1, Westray2015Wikimedia
imageView from the Tower of Noltland Castle, Perspective 2, Westray2015Wikimedia
imageWall remains around Noltland Castle, Westray2015Wikimedia
imageWestray: Noltland Castle2011Wikimedia
imageWestray: view towards Noltland Castle2011Wikimedia