Battle of Assinaros river

From Warlike


final defeat of Athenian expedition to Sicily 413 BCE. 
Asinaro, Assinarus

413 battleItalySicilian Expedition

Location: 36.87638889, 15.13583333, KML, Maps

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war414Sicilian ExpeditionPeloponnesian War, military expeditionWikidata
imageAthenian Navy SicilyWikimedia
imageBattaglia navale in SiciliaWikimedia
image1900Destruction of the Athenian army at SyracuseWikimedia
image1881Destruction of the Athenian army in SicilyWikimedia
imageIl Tellaro all'altezza del ponte dell'autostrada A18Wikimedia
image1893The fall of the Athenian army in Sicily IIWikimedia
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