War on Terror

From Warlike


international military campaign that started after 11 September 2001. 
Global War on Terrorism, GWOT, Overseas Contingency Operation, War on Terrorism

2001 — 2021 2002 Marib airstrike2007 Lebanon conflictAfghan ConflictChenagai airstrikeColombian conflictdrone strikes in Pakistandrone strikes in YemenFrench military withdrawal from West Africainsurgency in Khyber PakhtunkhwaInsurgency in the Maghreb (2002–)Iraq WarIraqi conflictIslamist Insurgency in the SahelNorth Korea–United States relationsOperation Able Rising ForceOperation Able WarriorOperation Active EndeavourOperation Arabian KnightOperation Enduring FreedomOperation Enduring Freedom – Horn of AfricaOperation HerrickOperation Juniper ShieldOperation Neptune SpearOperation Phantom LinebackerOperation Zarb-e-AzbPankisi Gorge crisisPuntland Counter-Terrorism OperationsSectarian violence in PakistanSouth Thailand insurgencywarWar in Afghanistan (2001–2021)War in Somalia (2006–2009)

Battlefields in The Global War on Terror - edit02Battlefields in The Global War on Terror - edit02
Byrd bushByrd bush
Fahd al-Quso, alleged participant in the USS Cole bombingFahd al-Quso, alleged participant in the USS Cole bombing
Marines detonate a M58 MICLIC during clearing operationsMarines detonate a M58 MICLIC during clearing operations
New Jersey National Guard (23141661833)New Jersey National Guard (23141661833)
US Navy 040120-N-0111R-001 A sailor stands on the fantail of the USS George Washington (CVN 73) for a last look at Norfolk, Va. before departing on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040120-N-0111R-001 A sailor stands on the fantail of the USS George Washington (CVN 73) for a last look at Norfolk, Va. before departing on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040120-N-4374S-004 USS George Washington (CVN 73) departs Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040120-N-4374S-004 USS George Washington (CVN 73) departs Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040217-N-8053S-017 Sailors and Marines man the rails aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) as they depart Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on a scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040217-N-8053S-017 Sailors and Marines man the rails aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) as they depart Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on a scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040226-N-8053S-151 Expeditionary Strike Group Two (ESG-2) recently deployed in the continuing support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040226-N-8053S-151 Expeditionary Strike Group Two (ESG-2) recently deployed in the continuing support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040226-N-8590P-081 Expeditionary Strike Group Two (ESG-2) recently deployed in the continuing support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040226-N-8590P-081 Expeditionary Strike Group Two (ESG-2) recently deployed in the continuing support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040309-N-3236B-003 A Sailor is welcomed home today as five San Diego-based ships assigned to Expeditionary Strike Group One (ESG-1) return from a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040309-N-3236B-003 A Sailor is welcomed home today as five San Diego-based ships assigned to Expeditionary Strike Group One (ESG-1) return from a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040309-N-3236B-004 Sailors man the rails today as the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) approaches the pier following a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040309-N-3236B-004 Sailors man the rails today as the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) approaches the pier following a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040309-N-3236B-006 Sailors man the rails today as the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) approaches the pier following a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040309-N-3236B-006 Sailors man the rails today as the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) approaches the pier following a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040430-N-3725R-024 The guided missile frigate USS Elrod (FFG 55) departs the pier to join the guided missile destroyers USS Ramage (DDG 61) and USS Ross (DDG 71) in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040430-N-3725R-024 The guided missile frigate USS Elrod (FFG 55) departs the pier to join the guided missile destroyers USS Ramage (DDG 61) and USS Ross (DDG 71) in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040604-N-8801B-001 nes from eight U.S. Navy ships about the important role the United States is playing in the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040604-N-8801B-001 nes from eight U.S. Navy ships about the important role the United States is playing in the global war on terrorism
US Navy 040619-N-5319A-003 The Osprey-class mine hunter coastal ship USS Raven (MHC 61) cruises in the water while participating in exercises geared toward fighting the global war on terrorismUS Navy 040619-N-5319A-003 The Osprey-class mine hunter coastal ship USS Raven (MHC 61) cruises in the water while participating in exercises geared toward fighting the global war on terrorism
US Navy 041117-N-2383B-050 U.S. military Service Chiefs and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff give testimony to members of the House Armed Services Committee, on the status of U.S. forces and the Global War on TerrorismUS Navy 041117-N-2383B-050 U.S. military Service Chiefs and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff give testimony to members of the House Armed Services Committee, on the status of U.S. forces and the Global War on Terrorism
US Navy 041206-N-7281D-029 The amphibious assault ship USS Bon Homme Richard (LHD 6) departs Naval Base San Diego, Calif., on a scheduled deployment supporting the Global War on TerrorismUS Navy 041206-N-7281D-029 The amphibious assault ship USS Bon Homme Richard (LHD 6) departs Naval Base San Diego, Calif., on a scheduled deployment supporting the Global War on Terrorism
US Navy 041217-N-0685S-001 The guided missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88) returnes to her homeport of San Diego, Calif., after completing a surge deployment in support of the global war on terrorismUS Navy 041217-N-0685S-001 The guided missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88) returnes to her homeport of San Diego, Calif., after completing a surge deployment in support of the global war on terrorism
US Navy 041221-N-2984R-042 A Fire team leader explains to the crew, proper procedures to be taken in the event of a Chemical, Biological or Radioactive (CBR) attack during a General Quarters (GQ) drillUS Navy 041221-N-2984R-042 A Fire team leader explains to the crew, proper procedures to be taken in the event of a Chemical, Biological or Radioactive (CBR) attack during a General Quarters (GQ) drill
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkLSE Public Policy Review: Afghanistan: Long War, Forgotten Peace Why did the Taliban win (again) in Afghanistan?@Wikidata
linkLSE Public Policy Review: Afghanistan: Long War, Forgotten Peace Before and after the towers: Afghanistan's forty-year crisis@Wikidata
linkLSE Public Policy Review Why did the Taliban win (again) in Afghanistan?@Wikidata
linkLSE Public Policy Review Before and after the towers: Afghanistan's forty-year crisis@Wikidata
linkNational Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series Did the War on Terror Ignite an Opioid Epidemic?@Wikidata
linkRed Blue Translator@Wikidata
conflict20022002 Marib airstrikedrone attackWikidata
conflict20072007 Lebanon conflictconflictWikidata
conflict1978Afghan Conflictcivil warWikidata
conflict2006Chenagai airstrikeconflictWikidata
conflict1964Colombian conflicthistorical period, conflictWikidata
conflict2022French military withdrawal from West AfricawithdrawalWikidata
conflict2002Insurgency in the Maghreb (2002–)warWikidata
conflict2003Iraqi conflictwarWikidata
conflict2003Iraq Waroffensive, military campaign, invasion, military operation, warWikidata
conflict2011Islamist Insurgency in the SahelwarWikidata
conflict2007North Korea–United States relationsbilateral relationWikidata
conflict2005Operation Able Rising Forcemilitary operationWikidata
conflict2005Operation Able Warriormilitary operationWikidata
conflict2001Operation Active Endeavourmilitary operationWikidata
conflict2010Operation Arabian Knightmilitary operationWikidata
conflict2002Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africamilitary operationWikidata
conflict2001Operation Enduring Freedomconflict, military operationWikidata
conflict2014Operation Herrickmilitary operationWikidata
conflict2007Operation Juniper Shieldmilitary operationWikidata
conflict2011Operation Neptune Spearcovert operationWikidata
conflict2004Operation Phantom Linebackermilitary operationWikidata
conflict2014Operation Zarb-e-AzboffensiveWikidata
conflict2001Pankisi Gorge crisisconflictWikidata
conflict2024Puntland Counter-Terrorism Operationsmilitary operationWikidata
conflict1947Sectarian violence in Pakistansectarian violenceWikidata
conflict2004South Thailand insurgencyterrorist attack, armed conflictWikidata
conflict2001War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)warWikidata
conflict2006War in Somalia (2006–2009)warWikidata
conflict2004drone strikes in PakistanWikidata
conflict2002drone strikes in YemenWikidata
conflict2004insurgency in Khyber PakhtunkhwawarWikidata
document2002DOD 3216.2 Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards inWikimedia
documentDauber's YouTube WarWikimedia
imageBattlefields in The Global War on Terror - edit02Wikimedia
imageByrd bushWikimedia
imageFahd al-Quso, alleged participant in the USS Cole bombingWikimedia
imageMarines detonate a M58 MICLIC during clearing operationsWikimedia
image2001New Jersey National Guard (23141661833)Wikimedia
image2004US Navy 040120-N-0111R-001 A sailor stands on the fantail of the USS George Washington (CVN 73) for a last look at Norfolk, Va. before departing on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040120-N-4374S-004 USS George Washington (CVN 73) departs Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on a regularly scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040217-N-8053S-017 Sailors and Marines man the rails aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) as they depart Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on a scheduled deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040226-N-8053S-151 Expeditionary Strike Group Two (ESG-2) recently deployed in the continuing support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040226-N-8590P-081 Expeditionary Strike Group Two (ESG-2) recently deployed in the continuing support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040309-N-3236B-003 A Sailor is welcomed home today as five San Diego-based ships assigned to Expeditionary Strike Group One (ESG-1) return from a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040309-N-3236B-004 Sailors man the rails today as the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) approaches the pier following a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040309-N-3236B-006 Sailors man the rails today as the amphibious assault ship USS Peleliu (LHA 5) approaches the pier following a six-and-a-half month deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040430-N-3725R-024 The guided missile frigate USS Elrod (FFG 55) departs the pier to join the guided missile destroyers USS Ramage (DDG 61) and USS Ross (DDG 71) in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040604-N-8801B-001 nes from eight U.S. Navy ships about the important role the United States is playing in the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 040619-N-5319A-003 The Osprey-class mine hunter coastal ship USS Raven (MHC 61) cruises in the water while participating in exercises geared toward fighting the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 041117-N-2383B-050 U.S. military Service Chiefs and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff give testimony to members of the House Armed Services Committee, on the status of U.S. forces and the Global War on TerrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 041206-N-7281D-029 The amphibious assault ship USS Bon Homme Richard (LHD 6) departs Naval Base San Diego, Calif., on a scheduled deployment supporting the Global War on TerrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 041217-N-0685S-001 The guided missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88) returnes to her homeport of San Diego, Calif., after completing a surge deployment in support of the global war on terrorismWikimedia
image2004US Navy 041221-N-2984R-042 A Fire team leader explains to the crew, proper procedures to be taken in the event of a Chemical, Biological or Radioactive (CBR) attack during a General Quarters (GQ) drillWikimedia
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