Niels Juel-class corvette

From Warlike


1980 class of Royal Danish Navy corvettes. 

Port view of USS Pharris (FF-1094) in formation with USS Halyburton (FFG-40) during BALTOPS `85 DN-ST-90-03244Port view of USS Pharris (FF-1094) in formation with USS Halyburton (FFG-40) during BALTOPS '85 DN-ST-90-03244
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselHDMS Olfert FischerRoyal Danish Navy, corvetteWikidata
vesselNiels JuelRoyal Danish Navy, motor shipWikidata
vesselPeter TordenskioldRoyal Danish Navy, corvetteWikidata
image1985Port view of USS Pharris (FF-1094) in formation with USS Halyburton (FFG-40) during BALTOPS '85 DN-ST-90-03244Wikimedia
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