Siege of Kobanê

From Warlike


2014 battle in the Syrian Civil War. 
Battle of Kobane, Battle of Kobanê, Battle of Kobani, Siege of Kobane, Siege of Kobani

2014 — 2015 battlesiegeSyriaSyrian Civil War
Coalition Airstrike on ISIL position in Kobane.jpgSiege of Kobanê.svg

Location: 36.889722222, 38.355555555, KML, Maps

2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (100)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (100)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (103)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (103)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (104)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (104)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (105)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (105)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (106)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (106)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (107)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (107)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (108)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (108)
2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (110)2014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (110)
Ain al-Arab am 13 September 2014Ain al-Arab am 13 September 2014
Front Kobané octobre 2014Front Kobané octobre 2014
Hires 141019-N-HD510-062aHires 141019-N-HD510-062a
Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 01Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 01
Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 02Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 02
Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 03Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 03
Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 04Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 04
Kobanê, Syria - Oct 2014Kobanê, Syria - Oct 2014
Kurdish protests against Kobane siege in Bologna-ItalyKurdish protests against Kobane siege in Bologna-Italy
Kurds protesting the Siege of KobanîKurds protesting the Siege of Kobanî
Luftschläge Kobani ab061014Luftschläge Kobani ab061014
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (100)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (103)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (104)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (105)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (106)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (107)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (108)Wikimedia
image20142014-10-05 Demonstration in Köln von Kurden gegen IS-Terror in Kobane (110)Wikimedia
image2014Ain al-Arab am 13 September 2014Wikimedia
image2014Front Kobané octobre 2014Wikimedia
image2014Hires 141019-N-HD510-062aWikimedia
image2014Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 01Wikimedia
image2014Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 02Wikimedia
image2014Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 03Wikimedia
image2014Iranian Kurds demonstration in support of Kobanî people 04Wikimedia
image2014Kobanê, Syria - Oct 2014Wikimedia
image2014Kurdish protests against Kobane siege in Bologna-ItalyWikimedia
image2014Kurds protesting the Siege of KobanîWikimedia
image2014Luftschläge Kobani ab061014Wikimedia
video2014Coalition airstrike against ISIL near Kobane on VBIED.webmWikimedia
video2014We are all Kobane - Maryam Namazie and Karima Bennoune.webmWikimedia
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