Pontiac's War

From Warlike


1763 war launched by Native American tribes primarily from the Great Lakes region, the Illinois Country, and Ohio Country against Kingdom of Great Britain. 
Conspiracy of Pontiac, Pontiac-Guyasuta Wars, Pontiac's Conspiracy, Pontiac's Rebellion

1763 — 1765 Battle of Bushy RunCanadaQ258532Siege of Fort PittSixty Years' WarUnited Stateswar
Pontiac conspiracy.jpg

Location: 45.0, -82.0, KML, Maps

Fox Wars – 
243 of `(History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English Colonies after the conquest of Canada. (With introductory chapters. 1608-1769.))` (11177330594)243 of '(History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English Colonies after the conquest of Canada. (With introductory chapters. 1608-1769.))' (11177330594)
1774 IndianChiefs ColonelBouquet RoyalAmericanMagazine027840021774 IndianChiefs ColonelBouquet RoyalAmericanMagazine02784002
10522 Fort Loudon, Franklin County, PA 34 - James Smith`s Rangers marker10522 Fort Loudon, Franklin County, PA 34 - James Smith's Rangers marker
A Conference held between some Indian chiefs and Colonel Bouquet in the year 1764 by Paul RevereA Conference held between some Indian chiefs and Colonel Bouquet in the year 1764 by Paul Revere
Bouquet captivesBouquet captives
Bouquet treatyBouquet treaty
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Indian history for young folks (1919) (14730337346)Indian history for young folks (1919) (14730337346)
Indian history for young folks (1919) (14730339876)Indian history for young folks (1919) (14730339876)
Outdoor life and Indian stories - making open air life attractive to young Americans by telling them all about woodcraft, signs and signaling, the stars, fishing, camping - also stories of noted (14750059891)Outdoor life and Indian stories - making open air life attractive to young Americans by telling them all about woodcraft, signs and signaling, the stars, fishing, camping - also stories of noted (14750059891)
Paxton Boys march on PhiladelphiaPaxton Boys march on Philadelphia
Pontiac`s WarPontiac's War
Pontiac`s warPontiac's war
Pontiac`s war esPontiac's war es
Pontiac`s war regionPontiac's war region
Relation historique de l`expédition contre les Indiens de l`Ohio en MDCCLXIV - commandée par le chevalier Henry Bouquet contenant ses transactions avec les Indiens; relativement à la délivrance des (14778482834)Relation historique de l'expédition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en MDCCLXIV - commandée par le chevalier Henry Bouquet contenant ses transactions avec les Indiens; relativement à la délivrance des (14778482834)
Relation historique de l`expédition contre les Indiens de l`Ohio en MDCCLXIV - commandée par le chevalier Henry Bouquet contenant ses transactions avec les Indiens; relativement à la délivrance des (14780843145)Relation historique de l'expédition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en MDCCLXIV - commandée par le chevalier Henry Bouquet contenant ses transactions avec les Indiens; relativement à la délivrance des (14780843145)
The Battle of Bushy RunThe Battle of Bushy Run
The Indians delivering up the English captives to Colonel Bouquet near his camp at the forks of Muskingum in North America in Novr. 1764 - B. West invt. ; Canot sculp. LCCN2012647230The Indians delivering up the English captives to Colonel Bouquet near his camp at the forks of Muskingum in North America in Novr. 1764 - B. West invt. ; Canot sculp. LCCN2012647230
Visit of Chief Pontiac and the Indians to Major Henry GladwinVisit of Chief Pontiac and the Indians to Major Henry Gladwin
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkWikimedia Battles of the Pontiac's WarWikidata
conflict1763Battle of Bushy RunbattleWikidata
conflict1763Siege of Fort Pittsiege, battleWikidata
war1609Beaver WarsAmerican Indian Wars, series of warsWikidata
war1712Fox WarsAmerican Indian Wars, French colonization of the Americas, series of warsWikidata
documentJournal ou dictation d'une conspiration. 1912. English (IA journaloudictati00soci)Wikimedia
image2013243 of '(History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac, and the war of the North American tribes against the English Colonies after the conquest of Canada. (With introductory chapters. 1608-1769.))' (11177330594)Wikimedia
image1774 IndianChiefs ColonelBouquet RoyalAmericanMagazine02784002Wikimedia
image201610522 Fort Loudon, Franklin County, PA 34 - James Smith's Rangers markerWikimedia
image2011A Conference held between some Indian chiefs and Colonel Bouquet in the year 1764 by Paul RevereWikimedia
imageBouquet captivesWikimedia
imageBouquet treatyWikimedia
image2012Enoch Brown mem FrankCo PAWikimedia
image2012Fort Presque IsleWikimedia
image1919Indian history for young folks (1919) (14730337346)Wikimedia
image1919Indian history for young folks (1919) (14730339876)Wikimedia
image1912Outdoor life and Indian stories - making open air life attractive to young Americans by telling them all about woodcraft, signs and signaling, the stars, fishing, camping - also stories of noted (14750059891)Wikimedia
image1764Paxton Boys march on PhiladelphiaWikimedia
imagePontiac's WarWikimedia
imagePontiac's warWikimedia
imagePontiac's war esWikimedia
imagePontiac's war regionWikimedia
image1769Relation historique de l'expédition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en MDCCLXIV - commandée par le chevalier Henry Bouquet contenant ses transactions avec les Indiens; relativement à la délivrance des (14778482834)Wikimedia
image1769Relation historique de l'expédition contre les Indiens de l'Ohio en MDCCLXIV - commandée par le chevalier Henry Bouquet contenant ses transactions avec les Indiens; relativement à la délivrance des (14780843145)Wikimedia
imageThe Battle of Bushy RunWikimedia
image1766The Indians delivering up the English captives to Colonel Bouquet near his camp at the forks of Muskingum in North America in Novr. 1764 - B. West invt. ; Canot sculp. LCCN2012647230Wikimedia
image1901Visit of Chief Pontiac and the Indians to Major Henry GladwinWikimedia
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