land mine

From Warlike


explosive weapon, concealed under or on the ground


mineanti-personnel mineanti-tank mineQ2175703Canadian pipe minelandmines in Ukraineweapon functional classminefield

Type 59 anti-tank mine.jpg

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23 февраля 2015 г Ветераны Внутренних войск на встрече с школьниками Хабаровск ф323 февраля 2015 г Ветераны Внутренних войск на встрече с школьниками Хабаровск ф3
111-SC-1357 - Ordnance Department - German ordnance - Drawing of a trench mine111-SC-1357 - Ordnance Department - German ordnance - Drawing of a trench mine
A radio mine releasing device made in Yleisradio`s workshop, ca. 1942. (15484609261)A radio mine releasing device made in Yleisradio's workshop, ca. 1942. (15484609261)
Breaking Through the Last of the German Minefields at El Alamein - 4th November 1942 Art.IWMARTLD2976Breaking Through the Last of the German Minefields at El Alamein - 4th November 1942 Art.IWMARTLD2976
Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-721-0382-31A, Frankreich, Anlage einer Minenkammer auf BrückeBundesarchiv Bild 101I-721-0382-31A, Frankreich, Anlage einer Minenkammer auf Brücke
Joint U.S. Army, Iraqi national police forces unearth weapons cache in Abu Thayla DVIDS86967Joint U.S. Army, Iraqi national police forces unearth weapons cache in Abu Thayla DVIDS86967
Joint U.S. Army, Iraqi national police forces unearth weapons cache in Abu Thayla DVIDS86973Joint U.S. Army, Iraqi national police forces unearth weapons cache in Abu Thayla DVIDS86973
M87 mine canister breech assemblyM87 mine canister breech assembly
M88 Volcano training mineM88 Volcano training mine
M139 Volcano mine dispenser fitted with M88 practice mine canisterM139 Volcano mine dispenser fitted with M88 practice mine canister
M977 HEMTT with M136 Volcano mine dispensing systemM977 HEMTT with M136 Volcano mine dispensing system
Minski sumnjivo podrucje Dabar 07Minski sumnjivo podrucje Dabar 07
Netherlands Brigade Manoeuvres. 6. Sappers laying landmines Oefeningen Prinses , Bestanddeelnr 934-9294Netherlands Brigade Manoeuvres. 6. Sappers laying landmines Oefeningen Prinses , Bestanddeelnr 934-9294
Netherlands Brigade Manoeuvres. 27. A landmine is laid Oefeningen Prinses Irene, Bestanddeelnr 934-9315Netherlands Brigade Manoeuvres. 27. A landmine is laid Oefeningen Prinses Irene, Bestanddeelnr 934-9315
Russian MV-5 pressure fuzeRussian MV-5 pressure fuze
Russian - VPF pull fuzeRussian - VPF pull fuze
The Campaign in North Africa 1940-1943 E10293The Campaign in North Africa 1940-1943 E10293
The Campaign in North Africa 1940-1943 E10294The Campaign in North Africa 1940-1943 E10294
UH-60 Blackhawk with Volcano mine systemUH-60 Blackhawk with Volcano mine system
US soldier reloading Volcano mine systemUS soldier reloading Volcano mine system
US, Iraqi troops uncover largest cache to date in Yarmouk DVIDS47467US, Iraqi troops uncover largest cache to date in Yarmouk DVIDS47467
Volcano mine system componentsVolcano mine system components
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
linkAcademic Emergency Medicine Antipersonnel land mines: why they should be banned@Wikidata
linkAccident Analysis & Prevention Evaluating the effect of vehicle modification in reducing injuries from landmine blasts. An analysis of 2212 incidents and its application for humanitarian purposes@Wikidata
linkActa Neurochirurgica Head injuries due to landmines@Wikidata
linkAfrican Security Review The Southern African Development Community and the Landmine Ban Treaty@Wikidata
linkAfrican Security Review LANDMINES: IS THE END IN SIGHT?@Wikidata
linkAfrican Security Review Landmines and Conservation in Southern Africa: Peace Parks in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict@Wikidata
linkAmerican Journal of Disaster Medicine The simultaneous death of seven people due to the detonation of an antipersonnel landmine at the land borders of the European Union during peacetime@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc NATO Hits a Land Mine@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc For the Record: Toward an Effective Policy on Land Mines@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc Landmines and U.S. Leadership: A View from the Field@Wikidata
linkAmerican foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc The Convention on Conventional Weapons and Ottawa: Working Collectively to Eliminate the Landmine Threat@Wikidata
linkAnalytical Chemistry Surface-enhanced raman detection of 2,4-dinitrotoluene impurity vapor as a marker to locate landmines@Wikidata
linkAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry LIBS for landmine detection and discrimination@Wikidata
linkAnnals of Internal Medicine Antipersonnel land mines: a vector for human suffering@Wikidata
linkAnnals of Maxillofacial Surgery Short Root Anomaly - A Potential "Landmine" for Orthodontic and Orthognathic Surgery Treatment of Patients@Wikidata
linkApplicable Analysis Global convergence for a 1-D inverse problem with application to imaging of land mines@Wikidata
linkApplied Optics Optical detection of honeybees by use of wing-beat modulation of scattered laser light for locating explosives and land mines@Wikidata
linkApplied Optics Range-resolved optical detection of honeybees by use of wing-beat modulation of scattered light for locating land mines@Wikidata
linkApplied Optics Field demonstration of a scanning lidar and detection algorithm for spatially mapping honeybees for biological detection of land mines@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Use of isotopic gamma sources for identifying anti-personnel landmines.@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Detection of anti-personnel landmines by neutron scattering and attenuation@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Monte Carlo simulations to advance characterisation of landmines by pulsed fast/thermal neutron analysis.@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Detection of landmines by using 14MeV neutron tagged beams@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes The HYDAD-D antipersonnel landmine detector.@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes The detection of landmines by neutron backscattering: exploring the limits of the technique.@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes On the use of a (252Cf-3He) assembly for landmine detection by the neutron back-scattering method@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Multi-parameter optimization of a neutron backscattering landmine detection system.@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Landmine detection: the problem and the challenge@Wikidata
linkApplied Radiation and Isotopes Monte Carlo simulations as a feasibility tool for non-metallic land-mine detection by thermal-neutron backscattering@Wikidata
linkArchives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Prosthetic device provision to landmine survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina: outcomes in 3 ethnic groups.@Wikidata
linkBMJ case reports Landmines in the Golan Heights: a patient's perspective@Wikidata
linkBehavior analysis in practice Teaching giant african pouched rats to find landmines: operant conditioning with real consequences@Wikidata
linkBiosensors & Bioelectronics Controlled biological and biomimetic systems for landmine detection@Wikidata
linkBiosensors & Bioelectronics Standoff detection of explosives and buried landmines using fluorescent bacterial sensor cells@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the World Health Organization The underreporting of landmine and explosive remnants of war injuries in Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Viet Nam.@Wikidata
linkBulletin of the World Health Organization Landmines and explosive remnants of war: a health threat not to be ignored@Wikidata
linkCambridge Review of International Affairs The Response to the Humanitarian Crisis Created by Landmines@Wikidata
linkCanadian Medical Association Journal Countries continue to ratify land mines treaty@Wikidata
linkCases Journal Burst fracture of the lumbar vertebra due to a landmine injury: a case report@Wikidata
linkChemical Communications Landmine detection: improved binding of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in a gamma-CD/metal oxide matrix and its sensitive detection via a cyclic surface polarization impedance (cSPI) method.@Wikidata
linkChemosphere Modeling of TNT transport from landmines: numerical approach@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of International Law Dealing with Compliance and Non-Compliance: The Case of the Landmine Convention@Wikidata
linkChinese Journal of International Law The Myth about Global Civil Society: Domestic Politics to Ban Landmines@Wikidata
linkClinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Ghosts, tigers and landmines in the nursery: Attachment narratives of loss in Tamil refugee children with dead or missing fathers.@Wikidata
linkCollection Management A Landmine of Library Literature@Wikidata
linkConflict and Health Landmine injuries at the Emergency Management Center in Erbil, Iraq@Wikidata
linkDisability and Rehabilitation Psychological factors after traumatic amputation in landmine survivors: the bridge between physical healing and full recovery@Wikidata
linkDisasters The economics of landmine clearance in Afghanistan@Wikidata
linkDisaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Geographical origin of post-landmine injury malaria infections@Wikidata
linkEURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Multi-stream continuous hidden Markov models with application to landmine detection@Wikidata
linkEURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Ensemble hidden Markov models with application to landmine detection@Wikidata
link[[{{{2}}}|Q26842442]] Lower limb salvage surgery using Ilizarov circular external frame for a landmine injury about the knee@Wikidata
linkEnvironmental Microbiology Biological land mines: bioterrorism underscores major knowledge deficits in the ecology of infectious agents.@Wikidata
linkEuropean Journal of Radiology MRI in long-term evaluation of reconstructed hind-feet of land-mine trauma patients.@Wikidata
linkEuropean journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie Amputation versus functional reconstruction in the management of complex hind foot injuries caused by land-mine explosions: a long-term retrospective comparison@Wikidata
linkFoot and Ankle International Ankle arthrodesis using an Ilizarov external fixator in patients wounded by landmines and gunshots@Wikidata
linkGeomorphology The problem of boundaries in defining ecosystems: A potential landmine for uniting geomorphology and ecology@Wikidata
linkHealth and Quality of Life Outcomes An exploratory study of the perceived impact of health problems of landmine/UXO victims versus another disability group@Wikidata
linkIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing A Comparative Study of GPR Reconstruction Approaches for Landmine Detection@Wikidata
linkIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing A Realistic FDTD Numerical Modeling Framework of Ground Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection@Wikidata
linkIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Filtering Soil Surface and Antenna Effects From GPR Data to Enhance Landmine Detection@Wikidata
linkIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Landmine detection and classification with complex-valued hybrid neural network using scattering parameters dataset.@Wikidata
linkISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing A survey of landmine detection using hyperspectral imaging@Wikidata
linkInjury Prevention Key factors for civilian injuries and deaths from exploding landmines and ordnance@Wikidata
linkInjury Prevention Injuries and deaths due to victim-activated improvised explosive devices, landmines and other explosive remnants of war in Nepal@Wikidata
linkInjury The landmine foot: its description and management@Wikidata
linkInjury Long-term consequences of landmine injury: A survey of civilian survivors in Bosnia-Herzegovina 20 years after the war.@Wikidata
linkInternational Emergency Nursing Land mines: the suffering of a nation@Wikidata
linkInternational Journal of Antennas and Propagation GPR-Based Landmine Detection and Identification Using Multiple Features@Wikidata
linkInternational Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Environmental health consequences of land mines@Wikidata
linkInternational Orthopaedics Painful neuroma requiring surgical excision after lower limb amputation caused by landmine explosions.@Wikidata
linkInternational journal of disaster risk reduction : IJDRR Spatial assessment of social vulnerability in the context of landmines and explosive remnants of war in Battambang province, Cambodia@Wikidata
linkJournal of Applied Behavior Analysis Giant African pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus) that work on tilled soil accurately detect land mines@Wikidata
linkJournal of Applied Behavior Analysis Using trained pouched rats to detect land mines: another victory for operant conditioning@Wikidata
linkJournal of Clinical Forensic and Legal Medicine Landmine associated injuries in children in Turkey@Wikidata
linkJournal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Landmines and Local Community Adaptation@Wikidata
linkJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health Landmine related injuries in children of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-2000: comparisons with adults@Wikidata
linkJournal of Epidemiology and Community Health Community level risk factors for numbers of landmine victims in Chad and Thailand@Wikidata
linkJournal of Foot and Ankle Surgery Case Report: Late Reconstruction of the Land Mine-Injured Heel With an Osteomyocutaneous Composite Fibular Flap.@Wikidata
linkJournal of Genetics and Genomics Short tandem target mimic: a long journey to the engineered molecular landmine for selective destruction/blockage of microRNAs in plants and animals@Wikidata
linkJournal of Interpersonal Violence Analysis of Landmine Fatalities and Injuries in the Kurdistan Region@Wikidata
linkJournal of Mass Media Ethics Times v. Sullivan: Landmark or Land Mine on the Road to Ethical Journalism?@Wikidata
linkJournal of Neurotrauma Rat Model of Brain Injury to Occupants of Vehicles Targeted by Land Mines: Mitigation by Elastomeric Frame Designs.@Wikidata
linkJournal of Robotics The COMRADE System for Multirobot Autonomous Landmine Detection in Postconflict Regions@Wikidata
linkJournal of Trauma Effect of body armor on simulated landmine blasts to cadaveric legs.@Wikidata
linkJournal of Trauma Twenty-one-year experience with land mine injuries@Wikidata
linkJournal of Trauma Below-knee amputations as a result of land-mine injuries: comparison of primary closure versus delayed primary closure@Wikidata
linkJournal of Trauma Civilian landmine injuries in Sri Lanka@Wikidata
linkJournal of Veterinary Behavior: clinical applications and research Influences of castration on the performance of landmine-detection rats (Cricetomys gambianus)@Wikidata
linkJournal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine The consequences for children of explosive remnants of war: Land mines, unexploded ordnance, improvised explosive devices, and cluster bombs.@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Nonlinear seismo-acoustic land mine detection and discrimination@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Acoustical Society of America An experimental study on antipersonnel landmine detection using acoustic-to-seismic coupling@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Nonlinear acoustic techniques for landmine detection@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Effect of ground variability on acoustic-to-seismic transfer function and false alarms in landmine detection@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Spectrum analysis of seismic surface waves and its applications in seismic landmine detection.@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Acoustical Society of America Investigation of microphones as near-ground sensors for seismic detection of buried landmines.@Wikidata
linkJournal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Landmine-detection rats: an evaluation of reinforcement procedures under simulated operational conditions@Wikidata
linkKorean journal of audiology Transverse fracture of the stapes anterior crus caused by the blast pressure from a land mine explosion@Wikidata
linkLand Degradation & Development The contribution of landmines to land degradation@Wikidata
linkMagnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine Solid state NMR, MRI and Sir Peter Mansfield: (1) from broad lines to narrow and back again; and (2) a highly tenuous link to landmine detection@Wikidata
linkMedical Journal Armed Forces India Injuries due to Landmine Blast Referred to Shahid Motahhary Hospital, Iran@Wikidata
linkMedicine and war The cowards’ war: Landmines and civilians@Wikidata
linkMedicine and war International conference to ban landmines@Wikidata
linkMedicine, conflict, and survival Mental health survey among landmine survivors in Siem Reap province, Cambodia@Wikidata
linkMedicine, conflict, and survival The psychosocial effects of landmines in Jaffna@Wikidata
linkMedicine, conflict, and survival The psychosocial effects of landmines in Cambodia.@Wikidata
linkMicrosurgery Subacute reconstruction of lower leg and foot defects due to high velocity-high energy injuries caused by gunshots, missiles, and land mines.@Wikidata
linkMilitary Medical Research Mental health disorders in child and adolescent survivors of post-war landmine explosions@Wikidata
linkMilitary Medicine The anti-personnel land mine epidemic: a case report and review of the literature.@Wikidata
linkMilitary Medicine Anti-personnel land mine epidemic: a case report and review of the literature@Wikidata
linkMilitary Medicine Validation of lower limb surrogates as injury assessment tools in floor impacts due to anti-vehicular land mines@Wikidata
linkNature Biotechnology Remote detection of buried landmines using a bacterial sensor.@Wikidata
linkNature A sense for landmines@Wikidata
linkNature Land-mine Detectors@Wikidata
linkNature Political will and cash 'needed to speed up removal of landmines'@Wikidata
linkNuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B Neutron back-scattering sensor for the detection of land mines@Wikidata
linkOptics Express Polarization lidar measurements of honey bees in flight for locating land mines@Wikidata
linkPain Medicine Landmines and landmine injuries: an overview@Wikidata
linkPain Medicine Acute injury caused by landmines@Wikidata
linkPain Medicine Neurophysiology of pain from landmine injury@Wikidata
linkPain Medicine Diagnostic and treatment issues in postamputation pain after landmine injury.@Wikidata
linkPain Medicine Psychological and cultural influences on pain and recovery from landmine injury@Wikidata
linkPain Medicine Rehabilitation after landmine injury.@Wikidata
linkPattern Analysis and Applications Statistical moments calculated via integral images in application to landmine detection from Ground Penetrating Radar 3D scans@Wikidata
linkPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Quality of life and functionality of patients with heel reconstruction after landmine explosions@Wikidata
linkPhysical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America Landmine injuries and rehabilitation for landmine survivors@Wikidata
linkPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery Evaluation of late functional results of patients treated with free muscle flaps for heel defects caused by land-mine explosions.@Wikidata
linkPrehospital and Disaster Medicine Mortality in land-mine accidents in Iran.@Wikidata
linkPrehospital and Disaster Medicine Anti-personnel landmine injuries during peace: experience in a European country@Wikidata
linkPrehospital and Disaster Medicine Seen but not heard: injuries and deaths from landmines and unexploded ordnance in Chechnya, 1994-2005.@Wikidata
linkPrehospital and Disaster Medicine Effect of the rural rescue system on reducing the mortality rate of landmine victims: a prospective study in Ilam Province, Iran.@Wikidata
linkPrehospital and Disaster Medicine The consequence of land mines on public health.@Wikidata
linkPrehospital and Disaster Medicine Epidemiological Study of Child Casualties of Landmines and Unexploded Ordnances: A National Study from Iran.@Wikidata
linkProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Improving Tele-robotic Landmine Detection through Augmented Reality Devices@Wikidata
linkProsthetics and Orthotics International Landmine amputees referred to the Royal Medical Services-Jordan@Wikidata
linkQualitative Health Research Land mines in the field: a modest proposal for improving the craft of qualitative health research@Wikidata
linkScandinavian Journal of Pain Mirror therapy for phantom limb and stump pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial in landmine amputees in Cambodia@Wikidata
linkScandinavian Journal of Pain Support for mirror therapy for phantom and stump pain in landmine-injured patients@Wikidata
linkScience & Justice Death and injury caused by land mines in Burma@Wikidata
linkSensors Localisation of an unknown number of land mines using a network of vapour detectors.@Wikidata
linkShock Waves Numerical simulation of armored vehicles subjected to undercarriage landmine blasts@Wikidata
linkSocial Identities Ain't I a woman? Female landmine survivors' beauty pageants and the ethics of staring@Wikidata
linkStroke Journal Centers for medicare and medicaid services medicare data and stroke research: goldmine or landmine?@Wikidata
linkSurgery for Obesity and Related Diseases Google Trends: is it a real tool to predict the future of bariatric surgery or merely a marketing landmine?@Wikidata
linkTalanta Chemical signatures of TNT-filled land mines.@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Injuries from land mines@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Social cost of land mines in four countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Mozambique@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Land mine injuries in Afghanistan@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Landmines: time for an international ban.@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Britain reverses landmine policy@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Time for a ban on landmines. Workload resulting from landmine injuries is huge burden on hospitals@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Time for a ban on landmines. Doctors should actively support campaign to ban landmines@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Household survey of locomotor disability caused by poliomyelitis and landmines in Afghanistan@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Antipersonnel landmines: facts, fictions, and priorities@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Walk in peace: banish landmines from our globe@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Total ban on landmines is unnecessary@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Number of land mine victims in Kosovo is high@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Landmine injuries in Eritrea@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Hundreds die in northern Iraq from land mines and unexploded munitions@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Aid may make roads more dangerous than landmines@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Landmine casualties are falling, but the wounded need more help@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Nairobi summit opens with call for action for landmine survivors@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Land mines mostly affect civilians but medical care often inadequate@Wikidata
linkThe BMJ Researchers aim to grow replacement bone for people injured by landmines.@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of Environment & Development Politicizing Indiscriminate Terror: Imagining an Inclusive Framework for the Anti-Landmines Movement@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of Pain Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Phantom Limb Pain in Land Mine Victims: A Double-Blinded, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of ambulatory care management Health Care Hobbled: Ambulatory Care Treatment of Cambodian Landmine Survivors@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of the American Medical Association Physician group declares war on land mine injuries@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of the American Medical Association Preventing land mine--related injury and disability: a public health perspective@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of the American Medical Association Death and injury from landmines and unexploded ordnance in Afghanistan@Wikidata
linkThe Journal of the American Medical Association The medical and social consequences of land mines in Cambodia@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet USA won't sign landmine treaty@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Landmine ratification allows international law to go ahead@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Landmines: time for a ban@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Report welcomes slow but steady eradication of landmines worldwide@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Tools to measure landmine incidents and injuries@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Landmines pose further danger to Uganda's war refugees@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Caring for Colombia's landmine survivors@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Helping Colombia's landmine survivors.@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet The land mine crisis: a growing epidemic of mutilation@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Deaths and injuries caused by land mines in Mozambique@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Deaths and injuries caused by landmines@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Landmines: time for a ban@Wikidata
linkThe Lancet Paediatrics. Small steps among the landmines@Wikidata
linkTropical Doctor Banning the antipersonnel landmines: a treaty not too far!@Wikidata
link[[{{{2}}}|Q27020353]] An unusual penetrating craniocerebral injury due to landmine explosion: a case report.@Wikidata
linkWork Anti-personnel landmine injuries: a global epidemic.@Wikidata
linkWorld Journal of Surgery Effects of land mines and unexploded ordnance on the pediatric population and comparison with adults in rural Cambodia@Wikidata
linkArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1@Wikidata
weaponAlarm mine 2flare, land mineWikidata
weaponDMexplosive weapon, land mineWikidata
weaponFFV 013land mineWikidata
weaponKhF-1 and KhF-2 bounding gas minesland mineWikidata
weaponM1chemical weapon, land mineWikidata
weaponM23 chemical minechemical weapon, land mineWikidata
weaponMON-90land mineWikidata
weaponPFM-1weapon model, anti-personnel mine, aerial bomb, land mineWikidata
weaponPTKM-1Rland mineWikidata
weaponQ19016993land mine, HungaryWikidata
weaponQ19977629land mineWikidata
weaponQ113444154land mineWikidata
weaponSelectable Lightweight Attack Munitionland mineWikidata
weaponTMA-2 mineland mineWikidata
weaponTM-35Mweapon model, anti-tank mine, land mineWikidata
weaponType 93weapon model, anti-personnel mine, land mineWikidata
weaponanti-personnel mineanti-personnel weapon, weapon functional class, land mineWikidata
weaponanti-tank mineweapon functional class, personal anti-tank weapon, land mineWikidata
documentEconomics of landmines and demining (IA economicsoflandm1094510440)Wikimedia
image23 февраля 2015 г Ветераны Внутренних войск на встрече с школьниками Хабаровск ф3Wikimedia
image111-SC-1357 - Ordnance Department - German ordnance - Drawing of a trench mineWikimedia
imageA radio mine releasing device made in Yleisradio's workshop, ca. 1942. (15484609261)Wikimedia
imageBreaking Through the Last of the German Minefields at El Alamein - 4th November 1942 Art.IWMARTLD2976Wikimedia
imageBundesarchiv Bild 101I-721-0382-31A, Frankreich, Anlage einer Minenkammer auf BrückeWikimedia
imageJoint U.S. Army, Iraqi national police forces unearth weapons cache in Abu Thayla DVIDS86967Wikimedia
imageJoint U.S. Army, Iraqi national police forces unearth weapons cache in Abu Thayla DVIDS86973Wikimedia
imageM87 mine canister breech assemblyWikimedia
imageM88 Volcano training mineWikimedia
imageM139 Volcano mine dispenser fitted with M88 practice mine canisterWikimedia
imageM977 HEMTT with M136 Volcano mine dispensing systemWikimedia
imageMinski sumnjivo podrucje Dabar 07Wikimedia
imageNetherlands Brigade Manoeuvres. 6. Sappers laying landmines Oefeningen Prinses , Bestanddeelnr 934-9294Wikimedia
imageNetherlands Brigade Manoeuvres. 27. A landmine is laid Oefeningen Prinses Irene, Bestanddeelnr 934-9315Wikimedia
imageRussian MV-5 pressure fuzeWikimedia
imageRussian - VPF pull fuzeWikimedia
imageThe Campaign in North Africa 1940-1943 E10293Wikimedia
imageThe Campaign in North Africa 1940-1943 E10294Wikimedia
imageUH-60 Blackhawk with Volcano mine systemWikimedia
imageUS soldier reloading Volcano mine systemWikimedia
imageUS, Iraqi troops uncover largest cache to date in Yarmouk DVIDS47467Wikimedia
imageVolcano mine system componentsWikimedia