land mine
From Warlike
explosive weapon, concealed under or on the ground
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mine, anti-personnel mine, anti-tank mine, Q2175703, Canadian pipe mine, landmines in Ukraine, weapon functional class, minefield,
- Freebase entry@
- Academic Emergency Medicine Antipersonnel land mines: why they should be banned@
- Accident Analysis & Prevention Evaluating the effect of vehicle modification in reducing injuries from landmine blasts. An analysis of 2212 incidents and its application for humanitarian purposes@
- Acta Neurochirurgica Head injuries due to landmines@
- African Security Review The Southern African Development Community and the Landmine Ban Treaty@
- African Security Review LANDMINES: IS THE END IN SIGHT?@
- African Security Review Landmines and Conservation in Southern Africa: Peace Parks in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict@
- American Journal of Disaster Medicine The simultaneous death of seven people due to the detonation of an antipersonnel landmine at the land borders of the European Union during peacetime@
- American foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc NATO Hits a Land Mine@
- American foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc For the Record: Toward an Effective Policy on Land Mines@
- American foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc Landmines and U.S. Leadership: A View from the Field@
- American foreign policy interests / National Committee on American Foreign Policy, Inc The Convention on Conventional Weapons and Ottawa: Working Collectively to Eliminate the Landmine Threat@
- Analytical Chemistry Surface-enhanced raman detection of 2,4-dinitrotoluene impurity vapor as a marker to locate landmines@
- Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry LIBS for landmine detection and discrimination@
- Annals of Internal Medicine Antipersonnel land mines: a vector for human suffering@
- Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery Short Root Anomaly - A Potential "Landmine" for Orthodontic and Orthognathic Surgery Treatment of Patients@
- Applicable Analysis Global convergence for a 1-D inverse problem with application to imaging of land mines@
- Applied Optics Optical detection of honeybees by use of wing-beat modulation of scattered laser light for locating explosives and land mines@
- Applied Optics Range-resolved optical detection of honeybees by use of wing-beat modulation of scattered light for locating land mines@
- Applied Optics Field demonstration of a scanning lidar and detection algorithm for spatially mapping honeybees for biological detection of land mines@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Use of isotopic gamma sources for identifying anti-personnel landmines.@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Detection of anti-personnel landmines by neutron scattering and attenuation@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Monte Carlo simulations to advance characterisation of landmines by pulsed fast/thermal neutron analysis.@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Detection of landmines by using 14MeV neutron tagged beams@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes The HYDAD-D antipersonnel landmine detector.@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes The detection of landmines by neutron backscattering: exploring the limits of the technique.@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes On the use of a (252Cf-3He) assembly for landmine detection by the neutron back-scattering method@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Multi-parameter optimization of a neutron backscattering landmine detection system.@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Landmine detection: the problem and the challenge@
- Applied Radiation and Isotopes Monte Carlo simulations as a feasibility tool for non-metallic land-mine detection by thermal-neutron backscattering@
- Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Prosthetic device provision to landmine survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina: outcomes in 3 ethnic groups.@
- BMJ case reports Landmines in the Golan Heights: a patient's perspective@
- Behavior analysis in practice Teaching giant african pouched rats to find landmines: operant conditioning with real consequences@
- Biosensors & Bioelectronics Controlled biological and biomimetic systems for landmine detection@
- Biosensors & Bioelectronics Standoff detection of explosives and buried landmines using fluorescent bacterial sensor cells@
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization The underreporting of landmine and explosive remnants of war injuries in Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Viet Nam.@
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization Landmines and explosive remnants of war: a health threat not to be ignored@
- Cambridge Review of International Affairs The Response to the Humanitarian Crisis Created by Landmines@
- Canadian Medical Association Journal Countries continue to ratify land mines treaty@
- Cases Journal Burst fracture of the lumbar vertebra due to a landmine injury: a case report@
- Chemical Communications Landmine detection: improved binding of 2,4-dinitrotoluene in a gamma-CD/metal oxide matrix and its sensitive detection via a cyclic surface polarization impedance (cSPI) method.@
- Chemosphere Modeling of TNT transport from landmines: numerical approach@
- Chinese Journal of International Law Dealing with Compliance and Non-Compliance: The Case of the Landmine Convention@
- Chinese Journal of International Law The Myth about Global Civil Society: Domestic Politics to Ban Landmines@
- Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Ghosts, tigers and landmines in the nursery: Attachment narratives of loss in Tamil refugee children with dead or missing fathers.@
- Collection Management A Landmine of Library Literature@
- Conflict and Health Landmine injuries at the Emergency Management Center in Erbil, Iraq@
- Disability and Rehabilitation Psychological factors after traumatic amputation in landmine survivors: the bridge between physical healing and full recovery@
- Disasters The economics of landmine clearance in Afghanistan@
- Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness Geographical origin of post-landmine injury malaria infections@
- EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Multi-stream continuous hidden Markov models with application to landmine detection@
- EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Ensemble hidden Markov models with application to landmine detection@
- [[{{{2}}}|Q26842442]] Lower limb salvage surgery using Ilizarov circular external frame for a landmine injury about the knee@
- Environmental Microbiology Biological land mines: bioterrorism underscores major knowledge deficits in the ecology of infectious agents.@
- European Journal of Radiology MRI in long-term evaluation of reconstructed hind-feet of land-mine trauma patients.@
- European journal of orthopaedic surgery & traumatology : orthopedie traumatologie Amputation versus functional reconstruction in the management of complex hind foot injuries caused by land-mine explosions: a long-term retrospective comparison@
- Foot and Ankle International Ankle arthrodesis using an Ilizarov external fixator in patients wounded by landmines and gunshots@
- Geomorphology The problem of boundaries in defining ecosystems: A potential landmine for uniting geomorphology and ecology@
- Health and Quality of Life Outcomes An exploratory study of the perceived impact of health problems of landmine/UXO victims versus another disability group@
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing A Comparative Study of GPR Reconstruction Approaches for Landmine Detection@
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing A Realistic FDTD Numerical Modeling Framework of Ground Penetrating Radar for Landmine Detection@
- IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Filtering Soil Surface and Antenna Effects From GPR Data to Enhance Landmine Detection@
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks Landmine detection and classification with complex-valued hybrid neural network using scattering parameters dataset.@
- ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing A survey of landmine detection using hyperspectral imaging@
- Injury Prevention Key factors for civilian injuries and deaths from exploding landmines and ordnance@
- Injury Prevention Injuries and deaths due to victim-activated improvised explosive devices, landmines and other explosive remnants of war in Nepal@
- Injury The landmine foot: its description and management@
- Injury Long-term consequences of landmine injury: A survey of civilian survivors in Bosnia-Herzegovina 20 years after the war.@
- International Emergency Nursing Land mines: the suffering of a nation@
- International Journal of Antennas and Propagation GPR-Based Landmine Detection and Identification Using Multiple Features@
- International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health Environmental health consequences of land mines@
- International Orthopaedics Painful neuroma requiring surgical excision after lower limb amputation caused by landmine explosions.@
- International journal of disaster risk reduction : IJDRR Spatial assessment of social vulnerability in the context of landmines and explosive remnants of war in Battambang province, Cambodia@
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Giant African pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus) that work on tilled soil accurately detect land mines@
- Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Using trained pouched rats to detect land mines: another victory for operant conditioning@
- Journal of Clinical Forensic and Legal Medicine Landmine associated injuries in children in Turkey@
- Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management Landmines and Local Community Adaptation@
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Landmine related injuries in children of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1991-2000: comparisons with adults@
- Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Community level risk factors for numbers of landmine victims in Chad and Thailand@
- Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery Case Report: Late Reconstruction of the Land Mine-Injured Heel With an Osteomyocutaneous Composite Fibular Flap.@
- Journal of Genetics and Genomics Short tandem target mimic: a long journey to the engineered molecular landmine for selective destruction/blockage of microRNAs in plants and animals@
- Journal of Interpersonal Violence Analysis of Landmine Fatalities and Injuries in the Kurdistan Region@
- Journal of Mass Media Ethics Times v. Sullivan: Landmark or Land Mine on the Road to Ethical Journalism?@
- Journal of Neurotrauma Rat Model of Brain Injury to Occupants of Vehicles Targeted by Land Mines: Mitigation by Elastomeric Frame Designs.@
- Journal of Robotics The COMRADE System for Multirobot Autonomous Landmine Detection in Postconflict Regions@
- Journal of Trauma Effect of body armor on simulated landmine blasts to cadaveric legs.@
- Journal of Trauma Twenty-one-year experience with land mine injuries@
- Journal of Trauma Below-knee amputations as a result of land-mine injuries: comparison of primary closure versus delayed primary closure@
- Journal of Trauma Civilian landmine injuries in Sri Lanka@
- Journal of Veterinary Behavior: clinical applications and research Influences of castration on the performance of landmine-detection rats (Cricetomys gambianus)@
- Journal of pediatric rehabilitation medicine The consequences for children of explosive remnants of war: Land mines, unexploded ordnance, improvised explosive devices, and cluster bombs.@
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Nonlinear seismo-acoustic land mine detection and discrimination@
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America An experimental study on antipersonnel landmine detection using acoustic-to-seismic coupling@
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Nonlinear acoustic techniques for landmine detection@
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Effect of ground variability on acoustic-to-seismic transfer function and false alarms in landmine detection@
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Spectrum analysis of seismic surface waves and its applications in seismic landmine detection.@
- Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Investigation of microphones as near-ground sensors for seismic detection of buried landmines.@
- Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Landmine-detection rats: an evaluation of reinforcement procedures under simulated operational conditions@
- Korean journal of audiology Transverse fracture of the stapes anterior crus caused by the blast pressure from a land mine explosion@
- Land Degradation & Development The contribution of landmines to land degradation@
- Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine Solid state NMR, MRI and Sir Peter Mansfield: (1) from broad lines to narrow and back again; and (2) a highly tenuous link to landmine detection@
- Medical Journal Armed Forces India Injuries due to Landmine Blast Referred to Shahid Motahhary Hospital, Iran@
- Medicine and war The cowards’ war: Landmines and civilians@
- Medicine and war International conference to ban landmines@
- Medicine, conflict, and survival Mental health survey among landmine survivors in Siem Reap province, Cambodia@
- Medicine, conflict, and survival The psychosocial effects of landmines in Jaffna@
- Medicine, conflict, and survival The psychosocial effects of landmines in Cambodia.@
- Microsurgery Subacute reconstruction of lower leg and foot defects due to high velocity-high energy injuries caused by gunshots, missiles, and land mines.@
- Military Medical Research Mental health disorders in child and adolescent survivors of post-war landmine explosions@
- Military Medicine The anti-personnel land mine epidemic: a case report and review of the literature.@
- Military Medicine Anti-personnel land mine epidemic: a case report and review of the literature@
- Military Medicine Validation of lower limb surrogates as injury assessment tools in floor impacts due to anti-vehicular land mines@
- Nature Biotechnology Remote detection of buried landmines using a bacterial sensor.@
- Nature A sense for landmines@
- Nature Land-mine Detectors@
- Nature Political will and cash 'needed to speed up removal of landmines'@
- Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research B Neutron back-scattering sensor for the detection of land mines@
- Optics Express Polarization lidar measurements of honey bees in flight for locating land mines@
- Pain Medicine Landmines and landmine injuries: an overview@
- Pain Medicine Acute injury caused by landmines@
- Pain Medicine Neurophysiology of pain from landmine injury@
- Pain Medicine Diagnostic and treatment issues in postamputation pain after landmine injury.@
- Pain Medicine Psychological and cultural influences on pain and recovery from landmine injury@
- Pain Medicine Rehabilitation after landmine injury.@
- Pattern Analysis and Applications Statistical moments calculated via integral images in application to landmine detection from Ground Penetrating Radar 3D scans@
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Quality of life and functionality of patients with heel reconstruction after landmine explosions@
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation clinics of North America Landmine injuries and rehabilitation for landmine survivors@
- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Evaluation of late functional results of patients treated with free muscle flaps for heel defects caused by land-mine explosions.@
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Mortality in land-mine accidents in Iran.@
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Anti-personnel landmine injuries during peace: experience in a European country@
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Seen but not heard: injuries and deaths from landmines and unexploded ordnance in Chechnya, 1994-2005.@
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Effect of the rural rescue system on reducing the mortality rate of landmine victims: a prospective study in Ilam Province, Iran.@
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine The consequence of land mines on public health.@
- Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Epidemiological Study of Child Casualties of Landmines and Unexploded Ordnances: A National Study from Iran.@
- Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Improving Tele-robotic Landmine Detection through Augmented Reality Devices@
- Prosthetics and Orthotics International Landmine amputees referred to the Royal Medical Services-Jordan@
- Qualitative Health Research Land mines in the field: a modest proposal for improving the craft of qualitative health research@
- Scandinavian Journal of Pain Mirror therapy for phantom limb and stump pain: a randomized controlled clinical trial in landmine amputees in Cambodia@
- Scandinavian Journal of Pain Support for mirror therapy for phantom and stump pain in landmine-injured patients@
- Science & Justice Death and injury caused by land mines in Burma@
- Sensors Localisation of an unknown number of land mines using a network of vapour detectors.@
- Shock Waves Numerical simulation of armored vehicles subjected to undercarriage landmine blasts@
- Social Identities Ain't I a woman? Female landmine survivors' beauty pageants and the ethics of staring@
- Stroke Journal Centers for medicare and medicaid services medicare data and stroke research: goldmine or landmine?@
- Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases Google Trends: is it a real tool to predict the future of bariatric surgery or merely a marketing landmine?@
- Talanta Chemical signatures of TNT-filled land mines.@
- The BMJ Injuries from land mines@
- The BMJ Social cost of land mines in four countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cambodia, and Mozambique@
- The BMJ Land mine injuries in Afghanistan@
- The BMJ Landmines: time for an international ban.@
- The BMJ Britain reverses landmine policy@
- The BMJ Time for a ban on landmines. Workload resulting from landmine injuries is huge burden on hospitals@
- The BMJ Time for a ban on landmines. Doctors should actively support campaign to ban landmines@
- The BMJ Household survey of locomotor disability caused by poliomyelitis and landmines in Afghanistan@
- The BMJ Antipersonnel landmines: facts, fictions, and priorities@
- The BMJ Walk in peace: banish landmines from our globe@
- The BMJ Total ban on landmines is unnecessary@
- The BMJ Number of land mine victims in Kosovo is high@
- The BMJ Landmine injuries in Eritrea@
- The BMJ Hundreds die in northern Iraq from land mines and unexploded munitions@
- The BMJ Aid may make roads more dangerous than landmines@
- The BMJ Landmine casualties are falling, but the wounded need more help@
- The BMJ Nairobi summit opens with call for action for landmine survivors@
- The BMJ Land mines mostly affect civilians but medical care often inadequate@
- The BMJ Researchers aim to grow replacement bone for people injured by landmines.@
- The Journal of Environment & Development Politicizing Indiscriminate Terror: Imagining an Inclusive Framework for the Anti-Landmines Movement@
- The Journal of Pain Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Phantom Limb Pain in Land Mine Victims: A Double-Blinded, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Trial@
- The Journal of ambulatory care management Health Care Hobbled: Ambulatory Care Treatment of Cambodian Landmine Survivors@
- The Journal of the American Medical Association Physician group declares war on land mine injuries@
- The Journal of the American Medical Association Preventing land mine--related injury and disability: a public health perspective@
- The Journal of the American Medical Association Death and injury from landmines and unexploded ordnance in Afghanistan@
- The Journal of the American Medical Association The medical and social consequences of land mines in Cambodia@
- The Lancet USA won't sign landmine treaty@
- The Lancet Landmine ratification allows international law to go ahead@
- The Lancet Landmines: time for a ban@
- The Lancet Report welcomes slow but steady eradication of landmines worldwide@
- The Lancet Tools to measure landmine incidents and injuries@
- The Lancet Landmines pose further danger to Uganda's war refugees@
- The Lancet Caring for Colombia's landmine survivors@
- The Lancet Helping Colombia's landmine survivors.@
- The Lancet The land mine crisis: a growing epidemic of mutilation@
- The Lancet Deaths and injuries caused by land mines in Mozambique@
- The Lancet Deaths and injuries caused by landmines@
- The Lancet Landmines: time for a ban@
- The Lancet Paediatrics. Small steps among the landmines@
- Tropical Doctor Banning the antipersonnel landmines: a treaty not too far!@
- [[{{{2}}}|Q27020353]] An unusual penetrating craniocerebral injury due to landmine explosion: a case report.@
- Work Anti-personnel landmine injuries: a global epidemic.@
- World Journal of Surgery Effects of land mines and unexploded ordnance on the pediatric population and comparison with adults in rural Cambodia@
- Armenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 1@
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