Drache-class armoured-frigate

From Warlike


1862 class of Austro-Hungarian armoured frigates. 

Drache (ship, 1862) - NH 87015Drache (ship, 1862) - NH 87015
Drache (ship, 1862) - NH 87016Drache (ship, 1862) - NH 87016
Drache (ship, 1862) - NH 87016 (cropped)Drache (ship, 1862) - NH 87016 (cropped)
linkFreebase entry@Wikidata
vesselSMS SalamanderAustro-Hungarian Navy, armored frigateWikidata
imageDrache (ship, 1862) - NH 87015Wikimedia
imageDrache (ship, 1862) - NH 87016Wikimedia
imageDrache (ship, 1862) - NH 87016 (cropped)Wikimedia
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