Battle between BONHOMME RICHARD and SERAPIS, Sept. 23, 1779 cph.3b03765
Battle between BONHOMME RICHARD and SERAPIS, Sept. 23, 1779 LCCN2004679624
Bonhomme Richard. Battle with the Serapis, 1779
Combat memorable donne le 22, 7re 1779, entre le Captaine Pearson commandant le Serapis et Paul Jones commandant le Bonhomme Richard et son escadre
Combat memorable entre le Pearson et Paul Jones LCCN00651172
Combat memorable entre le Pearson et Paul Jones - Richard Paton pinxit ; gravé par Balth. Frederic Loizel. LCCN89712610
HMS Serapis
Naval battles, ancient and modern (1883) (14578323388)
Our country in war and relations with all nations. A history of war times, and American heroes on land and sea (1898) (14595602558)
Serapis 9790
Seventeen hundred and seventy-six, or, The war of independence - a history of the Anglo-Americans, from the period of the union of the colonies against the French, to the inauguration of Washington, (14761795261)
The action between the Serapis and Bon Homme Richard Septr. 23rd 1779 - painted by James Hamilton ; engraved by R. Whitechurch. LCCN2006678633
The action between the Serapis, capt. Pearson, the Countess of Scarborough, and Paul Jones’s Squadron. R.Paton - K325
The Engagement of John Paul (Jones) (1747–92) with the British ship Serapis off Flamborough Head, September 23, 1779 - medals, medalist: Augustin Dupré (MET, 07.36a, b)
The world's story; a history of the world in story, song and art, ed. by Eva March Tappan (1914) (14767275855)