Ariadne-class corvette

From Warlike


1871 class of German sail-steamer corvettes. 
Ariadne class

British Library digitised image from page 238 of British Library digitised image from page 238 of "Ein deutsches Kriegsschiff in der Südsee ... Mit über 100 Abbildungen und 5 Karten"
James Scott Maxwell - German Corvette `Luise` 1872 400115946James Scott Maxwell - German Corvette 'Luise' 1872 400115946
SMS Ariadne (warship, 1871)SMS Ariadne (warship, 1871)
linkGoogle Knowledge entry@Wikidata
vesselSMS Ariadnesail-steamer corvette, Imperial German NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Freyacorvette, Imperial German NavyWikidata
vesselSMS Luisesail-steamer corvette, Imperial German NavyWikidata
image"Ein%20deutsches%20Kriegsschiff%20in%20der%20Südsee%20...%20Mit%20über%20100%20Abbildungen%20und%205%20Karten".jpg British Library digitised image from page 238 of "Ein deutsches Kriegsschiff in der Südsee ... Mit über 100 Abbildungen und 5 Karten"Wikimedia
image1888James Scott Maxwell - German Corvette 'Luise' 1872 400115946Wikimedia
imageSMS Ariadne (warship, 1871)Wikimedia
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